Williams Cycling 2011
The team hopes to keep you closely attuned to our endeavors this season. The website has not gotten a lot of use in the past year since JJ created it, however if we keep having such raging successes as we had this weekend we will waste all good opportunities to showcase our talents!

One downside at the moment is that picture uploads do not work, and we are working as quickly as we can to fix that. (we can still link to flickr, as you can see above.) Please subscribe and become a fan on Facebook!

Highlights: A team résumé, of sorts.

Schedule: All our upcoming events.

Results: Check back after a race for links to Williams’ results!

The Team: Pix and biographies of the team. E-mail imn2 at williams dot edu or jja1 at williams dot edu if you want to be on the page or edit your information.

Rides: A list of local bike rides, organized by mileage.

Evidence: Pictures, video, and whatever other records we have of our seasons.

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