Requiem for the Blue Civic

January 17-18, 2014

On-Air Questions and Songs

Unused questions are shown with gray text.

Number 1
Realm Beginnings and endings
Subrealm The circle of Life
Question The day after the last Williams Trivia contest was a sad one in our house, because our beloved 1990 Honda was donated to charity. If we'd had a church choir handy, what song would we have sung?
Answer Requiem for the Blue Civic
Song Roadhouse Blues
Artist The Doors
Hint T1. Traditionally, the answer to the first question is the name of the team running the contest. A1. Suppose a famous French building became a senior citizen. S1. The title is a word in the answer to the trivia.
Note The song was originally supposed to be "Blue" by Eiffel 65, but a change was made at the last minute. Roadhouse Blues is a good choice too, except that it was scheduled to be played later. Oh well.
Number 2
Realm It's like a Warner Brothers cartoon.
Subrealm With Zombies
Question In 1961 Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and Daffy Duck, fell into a coma. What were the first words he said coming out of the coma?
Answer "What's up Doc?"
Song Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect
Artist The Decemberists
Hint A1. The Band had a feud with Stephen Colbert. A2. The band is from Portland, OR. A3. The band's name refers to a revolt in Russia in 1825. S1. The song title is about a person who wants to design buildings. T1. It was something Mel had said many times before.
Number 3
Realm Poor Choices
Subrealm In retrospect
Question Architect Michael Graves designed a teapot for a new home goods line at JC Penney. When it appeared in profile in advertisements, it caused some controversy and was briefly pulled from shelves. What was the problem with the teapot's design?
Answer When viewed from the right angle, it looks a little like Hitler. No shit, it really does.
Song Bubble Tea
Artist Ninjas
Hint T1. The handle looks like wavy hair and a mustache. T2. Why would that be a problem? S1. What do you drink with big straws? A1. Not pirates, but...
Number 4
Realm Relics
Subrealm And their misuse
Question What is said to be special of Mary Queen of Scotts' Croquet Bat?
Answer It is made of petrified narwhal
Song Looking Glass
Artist Hypnogaja
Hint S1. The song has the same name as a band who had a song named "Brandy". T1. It was ivory, but not from an elephant. T2. What else has tusks? A1. Part of the band's name is a Sanskrit name for elephant. A2. So an elephant which mesmerizes people would be a ...
Number 5
Realm Movie Records.
Subrealm Very specific Movie Records.
Question Christopher Reeve first gained the record for playing the same comic book character in multiple major American motion pictures, by playing Superman four times. Who currently holds that record?
Answer Hugh Jackman
Song Iron Man
Artist Black Sabbath
Hint T1. Keep Guessing A1. Robert Downey Jr. wore a T-Shirt from this band in The Avengers.
Number 6
Realm From the past
Subrealm The things we bring with us
Question How has the Hebrew letter Shin left its mark on 20th century sci-fi pop culture?
Answer As a boy, Leonard Nimoy witnessed a ceremony in his synagogue in which men made the shape of shin with their hands. Years later, when he needed to greet another Vulcan, he made it into the official Vulcan salute.
Song The USS Make Shit Up
Artist Voltaire
Hint T1. Shin is shaped kind of like a V. T2. In cermonies, sometimes people make the shape with their fingers. A. The artist has the same name as a famous French author. S1. The song title is the name of a ship. S2. It has an abbreviation followed by a phrase meaning "to lie".
Number 7
Realm The Best
Subrealm Of the worst
Question In 1974 Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan installed a sculpture of a working pendulum with a 42-inch steel ball on the end of a cable. It was moved outside in 1995. Why was it abruptly removed and put in storage in September 2013?
Answer Students had begun riding it naked, and filming their own versions of Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball video to be posted online.
Song Wrecking Ball
Artist King Wilkie
Hint S1. The song title is closely related to the question. A1. The band name is the same as the name of a famous Victorian novelist, if he were monarch. A2. We don't need the novelist's last name, but he shares it with a drink made from gin, lemon juice, sugar, and seltzer. T1. The ball was big enough to ride on.
Number 8
Realm Sports everyone can play.
Subrealm If they are insanely rich and live on the Atlantic Ocean.
Question The America's Cup, like Williams Trivia, is an elite competition for the best in the world. Also like Williams Trivia, the rule in the America's Cup is that the winner gets to host the next challenge. So tell us, why were two of the last three America's cup yacht challenges not held in the nation of the defending champions?
Answer Because the champions were from Switzerland, which is a landlocked country. They auctioned off the location of the challenges, which were held in Valencia, Spain.
Song If I had a Boat
Artist Lyle Lovett
Hint T1. The winners had a lot of cheese, watches, chocolate, and banks. A1. The artist used to be married to Julia Roberts.
Number 9
Realm Food
Subrealm You are what you eat
Question What is the first ingredient listed on packages of Pepperidge Farm goldfish?
Answer Smiles.
Song Build me up Buttercup
Artist The Foundations
Hint T1. This ingredient is actually on the goldfish, not in them. A1. The band name is like the first layer of makeup.
Number 10
Realm Alcohol
Subrealm Disturbing Drinks
Question 2013 was an interesting year for news. One particular Canadian man paid 500 dollars for an unusual alcoholic shot. The 500 dollars was not the cost of the shot however, but the penalty for swallowing the garnish. What was this unusual garnish, and what was the name of the shot?
Answer A human toe. (At the Sour Toe cocktail Club in Dawson City, Yukon, you can pay extra to have a mummified human toe dipped in your drink.)
Song Jack Johnson
Artist Bubble Toes
Hint T1. You might dip your own in the water before swimming. S1. The song would be appropriate if the drink were champagne. A1. The artist has the same name as the first African American heavyweight champion of the world.
Number 11
Realm Video games
Subrealm The Endurance Of
Question Penn and Teller once created a video game that has been called the most boring game ever written. Nevertheless, its popularity has grown tremendously. What is the game, what are the rules, and what is the record high score?
Answer Desert Bus. The objective is to drive a bus from Tucson, Arizona to Las Vegas in real time. Nothing interesting happens during this time, and It requires 8 hours continuous play to score 1 point. The record high score without cheating is 14.
Song Bus Stop Bitties
Artist RJD2
Hint T1. There are many games where you do the same operation, but this is closer to real life. T2. What's the most boring job you can think of? T3. What's the dullest place to do it? A1. Thae artist's name is one character different from the name of a droid. S1. The Song Title refers to old women waiting for public transportation.
Number 12
Realm Going Places
Subrealm Church
Question Facing the downturn of attendence in recent years, the First Christian Church of Portland Oregon has begun offering what to their patrons, much as churches did in the middle ages?
Answer Beer.
Song Church on Sunday
Artist Green Day
Hint T1. It's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. A1. The band took their name because of their fondness for marijuana. S1. The song title is related to the question.
Number 13
Realm Television
Subrealm Colbert
Question Who is the only one of Stephen Colbert's guests to arrive via a window above his fireplace?
Answer Cookie Monster
Song Fortune Cookie
Artist Pizzicato Five
Hint T1. The guest tried to eat Colbert's Peabody award, which is shaped like a round medallion. T2. He's blue. A1. What do you call playing the violin with your fingers instead of a bow? S1. How do you end a meal at a Chinese restaurant.
Number 14
Realm Impossible Actions
Subrealm That are still illegal
Question In 2009, on the 30th anniverary of a certain event, a radio station in California paid a 400 dollar fine to the government of Esperance in Western Australia, on behalf of the United States. What was the fine for?
Answer The fine was for littering, issued after parts of the first US space station Skylab fell to earth in Australia.
Song The Land Down Under
Artist Men At Work
Hint T1. Something fell. T2. It was big and American. A1. You might see the band's name on a sign at a construction site.
Number 15
Realm Unintention Confusion
Subrealm Caused intentionally
Question What movie features the following song lyrics, set as a beautiful love song: "When I clean my room / I can't find anything / Where are you going in such a hurry/ To the soccer game"
Answer The 40-Year-Old Virgin. This is the English translation of the "Guatemalan love song" Jane Lynch sings to Steve Carell. The actress says the lyrics were actually a practice dialogue that she remembered from a high school Spanish class.
Song Heat of the Moment
Artist Asia
Hint T1. The actress who sang these words is best known for her role on a show where almost everyone except her sings. A2. The band is a continent.
Number 16
Realm Television
Subrealm Bones
Question Temperence Brennan, the heroine of the TV show Bones, is a novelist as well as a forensic anthropologist. What is the name of the heroine of her books, and why is that name significant?
Answer Kathy Reichs. Kathy Reichs is a real person (in our world) who is a forensic anthropologist who writes novels with a heroine named Temperence Brennan. They were the inspiration for the Bones TV show.
Song Fake it
Artist Seether
Hint T1. The TV show was based on a book. A1. If you were a person who was angry all the time but never let it out, you would be a... S1. Until you make it, you might...
Number 17
Realm Money
Subrealm And how to lose it
Question Many people get arrested in malls on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. But one such man in Minnesota this past November didn't stab anyone for an X-Box or trample anyone to get into Wal-Mart. What did he do during a musical performance of "Let it Snow" to land in jail?
Answer Serge Vorobyov threw his last 1000 dollars, in one dollar bills, off of a balcony in the Mall of America. He was arrested for disorderly conduct.
Song If I Had a Million Dollars
Artist Barenaked Ladies
Hint T1. What he did would ostensibly make people happy, especially while they were shopping. A1. You might see the band name on a marquee in a seedy part of town.
Number 18
Realm One Upmanship
Subrealm And how to win
Question Williams College of course has an extremely active (some would say "relentless") alumni society, which holds events and raises money. It has chapters all over the United States and around the world, including outposts in Beijing, Japan, Naples, and even Kansas City. But what university has an official alumni chapter farthest from home, and how did the chapter come to be?
Answer The University of Michigan alumni society has an official chapter on the Moon. It was created by the astronauts of Apollo 15, all Michigan alumni, who read a charter aloud while on the lunar surface and left behind a plaque.
Song to the moon and back
Artist Savage Garden
Hint T1. The chapter has only 3 members. S1. The song is close to something Jackie Gleason used to say to his wife on The Honeymooners
Number 19
Realm Television
Subrealm It was a thing.
Question One of the most famous scenes in the 1990 series Twin Peaks was the first time Agent Cooper is visited in his dreams by spirits that inhabit the town, including a midget in a red room and his cousin who looks like Laura Palmer. They speak English, but their voices are so strange that they needed to be subtitled. How did director David Lynch make the voices sound that way?
Answer He had the actors read their lines phoenetically backwards, and then reversed the recording so that the sounds come out in the right order. (But they sound really strange.)
Song She's Actual Size
Artist They Might Be Giants
Hint T1. It's like looking in a mirror. T2. It really was intelligible English, it just sounded very strange. A1. If "Our Gang" grew up and moved to London, the band name is what we would call their apartments.
Number 20
Realm Discovery
Subrealm Industry Shortcuts
Question The 2010 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded for the discovery of graphene, a material made of carbon just one atom thick, that has incredible conductive and strength properties. How did the physicists who discovered it manage to make it so thin?
Answer They were using scotch tape to clean their surfaces, and found that the tape contained a thinner layer than any they had made before.
Song Scotch tape
Artist Rustan and Indi Leino
Hint T1. The answer to the trivia and the song title are the same. T2. You've probably used it to wrap packages. A1. If Kanga's son started an Islamic state, what would it be called? A2. What device was used to type in newspaper copy before computers?
Number 21
Realm Geography
Subrealm U.S. States
Question Where is the only border between US states made from an arc of a circle, and what are its center and radius?
Answer The border between Delaware and Pennsylvania. It is a circle of radius 12 miles centered at New Castle, Delaware.
Song Strange Wound
Artist A Perfect Circle
Hint T1. Something George Washington did in a boat. A1. The artist is related to the trivia. S1. If you got stabbed in an unusual place, what would that be?
Number 22
Realm Sports
Subrealm Baseball
Question In 1999 Homer Bush of the Toronto Blue Jays set an all-time single-season major league record, eclipsing one previously set in 1906. What was it?
Answer Most homers by a player named Homer. (Previous record holder was Homer Smoot, who hit 4 homers in 1903 and 1906. Homer Bush hit 5 in 1999.)
Song It's Raining Men
Artist The Weathergirls
Hint T1. The season was quite an Oddyssey. S1. This is Homer Simpson's favorite song. A1. THe band is named after a group of people you can watch on cable TV every hour of every day.
Number 23
Realm Popes
Subrealm The Best Pope
Question It's been speculated by some recently that Pope Francis has been sneaking out of the Vatican at night to do what?
Answer Give money to the poor.
Song Give It Away
Artist Red Hot Chili Peppers
Hint T1. Something rich people are always encouraged to do. S1. The title of the song is related to the trivia. A1. The band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012.
Number 24
Realm Geography
Subrealm Vanity
Question General Wesley Clark, Senator Russ Feingold, News Anchor Rachel Maddow, Ambassador Susan Rice, and President Bill Clinton are all recipients of a scholarship named after what English businessman who was a founder of the diamond company De Beers? And what two African nations were created in the late twentieth century from the country named after that businessman?
Answer Cecil Rhodes, Zimbabwe and Zambia
Song In a Big Country
Artist Big Country
Hint T1. All of them lead to Rome. A1. The USA and Russia, for example. S1. This is the band's signature song.
Number 25
Realm Advertising
Subrealm Jingles
Question This is a THREE-POINT-PLAY. Tom McFaul is a classically trained musician who studied music and musicology at the University of Illinois. Later he recorded with Bob Dylan and worked with a number of contemporary composers. In 2001 he completed a Mass in C Minor for 5 soloists. In between, he became a legend in the advertising world by writing some of the best known jingles in the world, including one that received the highest rating in the history of the standard Burke test of commercial recall. For one point, tell us the product that goes with that jingle. FOR A SECOND POINT: your chat host will shortly be typing a phone number into the chat room. Call us on that number and sing the jingle.
Answer The Meow Mix Theme: Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow.
Song Pay Me my Money Down
Artist Bruce Springsteen
Hint T1. The product's users are not human. No hints on the music! It is very gettable.
Number 26
Realm Space Traffic
Subrealm Honk if Pluto's still a planet
Question Pluto, as we all know, was demoted from planethood in 2006. The discovery of what larger body the year before spelled the beginning of the end for Pluto, and what did the astronomers who found it originally name it?
Answer Eris was discovered in January 2005, and originally named Xena.
Song Witherspoon
Artist Jupiter for Sarah
Hint T1. Planets need to be named for mythological figures. T2. The final name is the goddess who caused the Trojan War. T3. The original name was "faux" mythology. A1. The artist wrote the music for Toy Story.
Number 27
Realm Television
Subrealm Psych
Question Shawn's sidekick Gus on Psych is a smooth talker, but not quite as smooth as he thinks he is. When he meets an attractive woman, what's his favorite pickup line?
Answer "Did you hear about Pluto? That's messed up, right?"
Song Twisted
Artist Joni Mitchell
Hint T1. Think about the last question. A1. The artist wrote a song about Woodstock. S1. The song title sounds like a movie with Helen Hunt.
Note Played from vinyl
Number 28
Realm Holy Places
Subrealm Everyone deserves to be loved
Question What is the Karni Mata temple in Rajastan most famous for?
Answer The thousands of rats that live there in harmony with people.
Song Nobody's Business But My Own
Artist Taj Mahal
Note Played from vinyl
Number 29
Realm Television
Subrealm Saturday Night Live
Question Who are the only father-daughter pair to both be cast members on Saturday Night Live?
Answer Chris Elliott and Abby Elliott. Chris's father, Bob Elliott of the comedy team Bob and Ray also appeared on an SNL show in the 70s, making three generations of Elliotts.
Song King Tut
Artist Steve Martin
Hint T1. The father of the pair user to appear on David Letterman frequently. T2. Later he was in the movie Groundhog Day. A1 The artist was the most frequent SNL host, until passed by Alec Baldwin.
Note Played from vinyl
Number 30
Realm All questions from now on will be about Cecil Rhodes
Subrealm He's just that good
Question Cecil Rhodes left a huge chunk of money in his will to fund the Rhodes scolarships. But an earlier version of his will designated that money for another purpose. What was it?
Answer A secret society for the purpose of reuniting all former British colonies, including the United States, under British rule.
Song Refugee
Artist Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Hint T1. He was very British. T2. He was still upset about the Boston Tea Party. No hints on the music!
Note Played from vinyl
Number 31
Realm Television
Subrealm Mystery Science Theater 3000
Question Mystery Science Theater 3000 was a TV show about a man forced to watch cheesy movies while trapped in a satellite with several robots of his own making. The robots, who often act like children, are Gypsy (a girl), Crow and Tom Servo (who are boys), and Cambot, who never speaks because he's the camera. When asked to describe his relationship with the pseudo-children, series creator Joel Hodgson describes the bots as represeting the id, and himself representing the superego. What Christmas movie did Joel and the bots watch in December 1991, and what did Gypsy and Crow tell Joel they wanted for Christmas?
Answer They watched "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians". Gypsy wanted a pony, and Crow wanted "to decide who lives and who dies".
Song This is Halloween
Artist The Nightmare Before Christmas / Danny Elfman
Hint T1. It's a classic bad Christmas movie. T2. It was Pia Zadora's first role. S1. The song is from a movie about Christmas and another holiday.
Note Played from vinyl
Number 32
Realm Williamsiana
Subrealm Old friends
Question When BOMO ran the Trivia contest in December of 1976, they sent a letter to all Williams freshmen inviting them to play. You can find the letter on the Trivia archive site. One line describing the contest was this: "It's as much an institution as Yo Yo, and it commands almost as much reverence." Obviously, this was a reference they expected all Williams students to understand. What did it mean?
Answer Yo Yo was a dog who used to live on campus. He could often be found lounging on one of the benches in the Baxter Hall Snack Bar, and after he died, his picture was hung on the wall there. You will find it in the Lee Snack Bar in Paresky today. The caption reads, "Faithful canine friend to generations of Williams students."
Song Snoopy vs. the Red Baron
Artist The Royal Guardsmen
Hint T1. He's still there, in the snack bar in Paresky. A1. The band is named after British people with fuzzy hats.
Note Was supposed to be played from Vinyl, but we forgot to bring a 45 adapter ring. So we played a recording of the 45 we had made earlier.
Number 33
Realm Video Games
Subrealm Memetic Knowledge
Question This is a THREE-POINT-PLAY: What is the code that gives you thirty lives in Ninendo's Contra, and for a bonus point, what is the connection to this song?
Answer Up up down down left right left right b a start
Song The Invader Zim Theme
Artist (none needed)
Note Played from vinyl
Number 34
Realm Lists
Subrealm Of People
Question Who are The Mayor, Adam, Glory, Warren, and The First?
Answer The main villains from seaons 3 thru 7 respectively of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Song Friend of the Devil
Artist Grateful Dead
Hint T1. None of them were vampires. A1. The band is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A2. They were one of the most influential bands of the 60s.
Note Played from vinyl
Number 35
Realm Movies
Subrealm Home Alone
Question What does Kevin give the Pigeon Lady in Home Alone 2 to thank her for her help, and where did he get it?
Answer A turtle-dove shaped Christmas ornament, which he got from Mr. Duncan the toy store owner. (You can buy them on E-Bay!)
Song Tom's Diner
Artist Suzanne Vega
Hint T1. Something you would typically have two of around Christmas A1. Artist shares her name with a cheap Chevy from the 70s and a nearby star
Note Played from vinyl
Number 36
Realm Movies
Subrealm The Lion King
Question What are the names of Simba's 3 best friends and what types of animals are they?
Answer Timon is a Meer Cat, Pumbaa is a warthog, and Nala is a lioness
Song Gumboots
Artist Paul Simon
Hint A1. The song was on a famous album recorded in South Africa. S1. The title is kind of like the nickname for North Carolinians. S2. If the Kookaburra wore shoes, they would be...
Note Played from vinyl
Number 37
Realm Literature
Subrealm (You may disagree)
Question What is the name of Edward and Bella's daughter in the Twilight series, and why was she named that?
Answer Renesmee, which is a combination of her grandmothers' names, Renee and Esme.
Song Baba O'Riley
Artist The Who
Hint T1. Call up your favorite Twilight fan NOW! S1. The song title is not in the lyrics. S2. It's the names of 2 people, one of the Irish.
Note Played from vinyl
Number 38
Realm Literature
Subrealm Hunger Games
Question Who foreshadows the arena of the 75th Quarter Quell to Katniss and what does he/she use to do so?
Answer Plutarch Heavensbee, the new Head Gamemaker. He shows her his watch, which has a mockingjay on it.
Song Psycho Killer
Artist Talking Heads
Hint T1. The help was unexpected. T2. Call your favorite Hunger Games fan NOW! A1. The artists were from RHode Island School of Design, before they mage it big at CBGB's in New York.
Note Played from vinyl
Number 39
Realm Movies
Subrealm Titanic
Question Titanic was awful. Let's face it, but we've gotta give James Cameron some credit on the re-release. Before the recent 3D re-release of the film Titanic, Neil Degrasse Tyson had one piece of advice for Mr. Cameron, to which Mr. Cameron obliged. What was it?
Answer James Cameron replaced the starscape that was used for the film with the proper one for the time and place of the sinking.
Song I Feel the Earth Move
Artist Carole King
Hint A1. The artist was one of the most influential songwriters of the 60s. A2. Neil Sedaka wrote a song about her, with her name in the title. T1. Cameron got lots of details right in the movie, but he forgot this one, which is completely reconstructable.
Note Played from vinyl
Number 40
Realm Constructive Critisism
Subrealm Is always ignored
Question When astronomer Neil DeGrasse Tyson appeared on The Daily Show, what one criticism did he have for John Stewart?
Answer The globe shown in the show's intro is spinning in the wrong direction.
Song You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
Artist Dead or Alive
Hint T1. What do we see at the beginning of every episode of the Daily Show? A1. The band's name might have appeared on a wanted poster in the Old West.
Number 41
Realm Industrial Giants
Subrealm Rubber
Question What corporation is the world's largest producer of tires?
Answer Lego
Song Tire Swing
Artist Kimya Dawson
Hint T1. They make the most tires, but they don't use the most rubber. A1. The artist shares her name with a teanage soap opera of the 2000's. A2. Her first name is the name of a cartoon character whose sidekick is named Ron.
Number 42
Realm Trick Questions
Subrealm We Will Rock You
Question What famous American rock supergroup has four members, none of whom sing?
Answer Mount Rushmore
Song Misty Mountains
Artist "Richard Armitage" or "The Hobbit"
Hint T1. Like we said, it's a trick question. S1 The song is from a movie whose sequel came out recently. S2. The title is the name of a location in the movie.
Number 43
Realm Sports
Subrealm Hockey
Question What do Detroit Red Wings fans often throw on the ice, and why?
Answer Octopi, because a team used to need to win 8 games to win the Stanley Cup.
Song Run, Run Away
Artist Slade
Hint T1. They probably don't shout "release the kraken" when they throw them. A1. The band used to misspell all their song titles, like "Cum on feel the noiz".
Number 44
Realm Disease
Subrealm Inter-species contact
Question Europeans brought many diseases with them to the New World. Most were transmitted to Native American humans, but one was transmitted from humans to a different species in Texas, which is now the primary repository of the disease. What disease, and what species?
Answer Leprosy, to armadillos
Song Party At The Leper Colony
Artist Weird Al Yankovic
Hint T1. The song is a clue to the trivia. T2. The animal is found all over Texas and Florida.
Number 45
Realm Mammals
Subrealm Who get leprosy
Question The armadillo is unique among mammals in its reproductive process. In what way?
Answer It gives birth to four identical offspring from each egg
Song I Can't Help Myself
Artist The Four Tops
Hint T1. The name of the artist figures prominently in the answer to the trivia. T2. How do mammals NOT usually reproduce? A1. The lead singer of the band also did the voice of the alien plant in Little Shop of Horrors.
Number 46
Realm Government secrets
Subrealm Go ahead, Google this one. We dare you.
Question In Dr. Strangelove, the code required to launch nuclear missiles was "OPE". But the actual code on all actual safes that held actual Minuteman nuclear warheads from 1962 to 1977 was numeric. What was the code?
Answer 00000000. This was called the Permissive Action Link code.
Song It's the End of the World as We Know It
Artist REM
Hint T1. It was kind of a null code.
Number 47
Realm Music
Subrealm Songwriting
Question Who were the first mother and son who each wrote a Billboard number one hit single, and what were the two songs?
Answer Mae Axton wrote Heartbreak Hotel, performed by Elvis, and Hoyt Axton wrote Joy to the World, performed by Three Dog Night.
Song Joy To The World
Artist Three Dog Night
Hint T1. This is one of the number 1 songs. T2. The mother wrote an even more famous one, for a very prolific singer.
Number 48
Realm Names
Subrealm First Ladies
Question Who are the only two United States first ladies who did not change their last names when they married?
Answer Hillary Rodham and Eleanor Roosevelt. Hillary changed her name some years after her marriage to Bill Clinton, and Eleanor didn't need to change her name, because it was already Roosevelt. She married her cousin.
Song Kissin' Cousins
Artist Elvis
Hint No hints on the trivia! Let 'em guess. S1. Why did one of the first ladies not need to change her name?
Number 49
Realm Movies
Subrealm Vampire Movies
Question What film, of German origin, first introduced the concept of a vampire being susceptible to daylight?
Answer Nosferatu
Song Burn My Shadow
Artist Unkle featuring Ian Astbury
Hint T1. It's a famous movie.
Number 50
Realm Going Fast
Subrealm On Saturday Morning Cartoons
Question The actor, Jaleel White, is known best for his playfully obnoxious roll as Steve Urkel. He is, however, also responsible for voicing what speed-demon title character in a popular Sega tv adaptation.
Answer Sonic the Hedgehog
Song Sonic the Hedgehog - Remix
Artist (none needed)
Hint T1. HE BLUE. S1. The song is related to the trivia.
Number 51
Realm Geography
Subrealm Surrounded!
Question There are several places in the United States where if you go due East, due South, due West, or due North until you enter another state, that other state is the same in all 4 directions. Most such places are the result of a boundary river which makes a horseshoe bend. We want you to tell us at least two places that are "surrounded" by a different state, and NOT because of a bend in a river.
Answer Rock Island, Wisconsin, off the end of the Door Peninsula in Lake Michigan. All four directions lead to Michigan. Southwestern Connecticut - all four directions lead to New York.
Song A Chat with your Mother
Artist Lou and Peter Berryman
Hint T1. Get out your maps and look! T2. One is in the Northeast, and one is in the Midwest. A1. If you gathered small fruit for a living, what would they call you? S1. The title of the song is the kind of conversation that the singer is unhappy about.
Number 52
Realm Music
Subrealm The Wall
Question What is the name of the disturbed semi-autobiographical rock star created by Roger Waters in the double album rock opera The Wall?
Answer Pink
Song Gangham Style
Artist PSY
Hint T1. Who was the barber on the Andy Griffith Show? It's not that.
Number 53
Realm Animal Control
Subrealm Fish
Question Kolgrafafjorour, West Iceland, needed to scare a number of herring out of their fjord. Scientists attempted to and failed, using what method?
Answer Playing The Rolling Stones into the Fjord.
Song Cover of the Rolling Stone
Artist Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show
Hint T1. The fish probably enjoyed the show. A1. If Peter Pan's nemesis had gotten an advanced degree, what would you call him?
Number 54
Realm Disney buys a science fiction franchise.
Subrealm It is not Star Wars.
Question What is the name of the human-animal hybrid, created in the 1970's, who will be starring, this summer, in Disney's latest Space Opera, and what was his first mission in the original comic book?
Answer Rocket Raccoon, whose first mission was to find a Gideon Bible.
Song Rocky Raccoon
Artist The Beatles
Hint T1. The song and question are related. T2. What did Rocky Raccoon find in his hotel room?
Number 55
Realm Movies
Subrealm Arithmetic
Question In David Mamet's movie State and Main, a movie director, played by William H. Macy, wants to get a gift for an actor played by Alec Baldwin. "What does he like?", the director asks his assistant. "He likes 14-year-old girls", comes the response. Thinking that inappropriate, what does the director suggest they get instead?
Answer Half a 28-year old girl.
Song Hold on Tight
Artist ELO
Hint T1. It's an arithmetic problem. A1. This band's lead singer was one of the Travelling Wilburys.
Number 56
Realm Williamsiana
Subrealm Legacies
Question In 1865 the future mother of a Famous British Person bestowed an enormous gift on Williams College. It's no exaggeration to say that nearly every Williams student since then has been influenced by that gift. Who was she, and what was the gift?
Answer She was Jennie Jerome, who later became Lady Randolph Churchill, the mother of Winston Churchill. Upon hearing that the Williams baseball team was about to play Harvard but did not have an official color, Jennie and her cousin purchased some purple ribbon to decorate the players. Williams won the game, and purple has been the college color ever since.
Song London Calling
Artist The Clash
Hint T1. She donated something that nearly every college has now, but Williams didn't. T2. Some people think her son saved England from being conquered. A1. The band was one of the most important punk groups of the 70s and 80s.
Number 57
Realm Programming languages
Subrealm Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Question What property do the 4 main commands of the SQL database language share with the original name of the language?
Answer They all have six letters. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are the commands, and the original name of the language was SEQUEL.
Song Fresh Prince
Artist Jimmy Fallon
Hint T1. The last name of the artist also has this property. T2. It makes statements line up on the page. A1. It's not Neil Young!
Number 58
Realm Beer
Subrealm And Pretzels
Question University of Michigan professor Donald Glaser spent many evenings in a bar in downtown Ann Arbor call the Pretzel Bell. The Pretzel Bell is gone but for a building that bears its name, but it will live on in history because of an idea Prof. Glaser had while staring at his beer there. What was the idea?
Answer Prof. Glaser invented the Bubble Chamber, which for many years was the best way for physicists to see elementary particle interactions. The invention won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1960.
Song The Pretzel Store
Artist The Laurie Berkner Band
Hint T1. What does beer have a lot of? T2. What do you call classical music played by 3 people in a small room? S1. The title of the song is related to the trivia. A1. The artist's name sounds like the county where Williamstown is.
Number 59
Realm Television
Subrealm Saturday Night Live
Question On May 8, 2010, Betty White became the oldest person to host Saturday Night Live, at 88 and a half years old. She had last been on live TV in 1955, and her choice as host was the result of a massive petition drive on Facebook. In her monologue she thanked Facebook, and explained that she didn't know what Facebook was before the campaign. Now that she understands it, though, she thinks... what?
Answer "What a huge waste of time!"
Song Too Much Time on My Hands
Artist Styx
Hint T1. If you had to come up with one phrase to describe Facebook, what would it be? A1. The band is named for a fictional river.
Number 60
Realm Things one does on the weekend...
Subrealm With their junk.
Question This high jump technique used by Dick Fosbury to take the Gold in High Jump at the 1968 Olympics is now considered the standard for the high jump.
Answer Fosbury Flop
Song Jump in the Line
Artist Harry Belefonte
Hint No hints needed here.
Number 61
Realm hands only
Subrealm everyone's got rhythm
Question What song does the red cross suggest you use to establish a proper rhythm for performing hands only CPR?
Answer The classic Disco song Stayin' Alive
Song I Will Survive
Artist Gloria Gaynor
Hint T1. Well, you're not dead. A1. The artist shares her first name with a famous Latin singer. A2. Her last name sounds like a genre of black and white movies with drag queens smoking cigarettes.
Number 62
Realm Geography
Subrealm Remote Viewing
Question In 2008 while impersonating Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, Tina Fey famously said "I can see Russia from my house." So wickedly acccurate was Fey's impersonation that the quote stuck to Palin, whose house in Wasilla is more than 700 miles from Russia. In fact Palin had said a pair of true things: "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska." Assuming that neither Tina Fey nor Sarah Palin is interested in island living, in what Alaskan community ON THE MAINLAND might they build a house from which Russia could be seen?
Answer Wales (citation:
Song I Can See Clearly Now
Artist Johnny Nash
Hint T1. Not the one in Great Britain. A1. If you change one letter in the artist's name, you get a much more famous singer who was played by Joaquin Phoenix on film.
Number 63
Realm Radio
Subrealm Classics
Question In the 1930s, the most popular children's radio program on WOR in New York was The Lone Ranger. It was the highlight of the day for lots of kids, including the mother of one of your hosts, who ate dozens of boxes of Kix cereal one summer so she could send each one in for a chance to win the colt who was the son of the Lone Ranger's horse Silver. Following The Lone Ranger on WOR came another kids' program called Uncle Don. Uncle Don's show was a little like Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, with jokes, songs, and advice to kids. Whereas Mister Rogers was acting as himself, though, Uncle Don showed that he was not one day, at the end of one of his programs, when he had signed off sweetly and thought the microphone had been turned off. What did he say?
Answer There! I guess that'll hold the little bastards.
Song The William Tell Overture
Artist George Bedard and the Kingpins
Hint A1. The artist's first name is the name of 3 presidents of the United States, one whom we remember fondly and one whom we don't. A2. If your sleeping surface was too stiff, your complaint about it might sound like his last name. T1. He really didn't like children. T2. He called all his fans' parentage into question.
Number 64
Realm Music
Subrealm Disturbing Music
Question The following song belongs to what aptly named genre?
Answer Industrial Musicals.
Song My Bathroom is a Private Kind of Place
Artist American Standard
Hint T1. A Broadway equivalent for the working man. A1. The artist is a corporation whose name almost all men read frequently, and almost all women don't.
Number 65
Realm Americana
Subrealm Southern style
Question What is the Peabody hotel in Memphis famous for, and what's the title of the person in charge of this feature?
Answer The Peabody ducks, who live in a penthouse on the roof and take the elevator down to the lobby each day to play in the fountain. Their handler is known as the duckmaster.
Song Meet Me in Memphis
Artist Jimmy Buffett
Hint T1. What do you do when you see a projectile flying towards your head? A1. The artist is know for living in a place much farther South - as far south as you can go in the Continental US.
Number 66
Realm Toys
Subrealm Barbie
Question In 1992 Mattel issued a talking Barbie doll, who said certain phrases like "Party dresses are fun" and "Do you have a crush on anyone?" when you pulled the string on her back. But one phrase caused an outrage and sparked a recall. What was it?
Answer "Math class is TOUGH"
Song Math Suks
Artist Jimmy Buffett
Hint T1. The song is a pretty good hint. A1. The artist should seem eerily familiar...
Number 67
Realm Music
Subrealm Where are they now?
Question Jeffery "Skunk" Baxter, guitarist for Steely Dan, and The Doobie Brothers, moved onto what unexpected career?
Answer Defense Contractor.
Song Fire in the Hole
Artist Steely Dan
Hint T1. He's the opposite of a rebel now. S1. You shout this before an explosion.
Number 68
Realm Trivia
Subrealm Williams Trivia
Question In May, 1972, for the first time, the Williams Trivia contest didn't end after 8 hours. That's because at 8:00 there was a tie between two teams, The Bayonnettes and The Grand Duchy of Fenwick. The Bayonettes won the tiebreaker when future famous independent filmmaker John Sayles, Williams class of '72, answered the tiebreaker question. What was the question, and what was the contribution of Sayles' teammate PJ Morello to the win?
Answer The question was "What was the last line of the movie 'The Time Machine'." While Sayles gets all the credit for having answered the question, it was his teammate PJ who identified the song, which is the one we just played for you. PJ is playing in this contest here tonight, 42 years later, and it's about time he got some of the credit for that victory!
Song Crying in the Chapel
Artist Sonny Till and the Orioles
Hint T1. It was about a science fiction movie. T2. How do you think we chose this song? A1. The band has the same name as a baseball team.
Number 69
Realm Advertising
Subrealm Music
Question Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto recently made a car commercial together. What song is Leonard Nimoy singing while he's driving?
Answer "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" (the greatest little hobbit of them all)
Song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Artist William Shatner
Hint T1. Go watch the video now!!!
Number 70
Realm Literature
Subrealm and Music
Question What is the connection between William Blake's book "Heaven and Hell" and the band we are about to play?
Answer Heaven and Hell inspired the title of Aldous Huxley's book "The Doors of Perception", which in turn inspired the name of the band The Doors.
Song Roadhouse Blues
Artist The Doors
Hint T1. Where did this band get its name? S1. The song could have been played in a Patrick Swayze movie.
Number 71
Realm Movies
Subrealm Odd Pairings
Question What great American actor/director's last role was as a giant robot, and what was the movie?
Answer Orson Welles, in The Transformers Movie
Song I'm a Transformer
Artist Gnarls Barkley
Hint T1. It was his voice that made it work. A1. The artist's name sounds like a former NBA player. S1. The song is related to the trivia.
Number 72
Realm Science Fiction
Subrealm The Collective Unconcious
Question What late 90's sci-fi film, drawing heavily from Apple and its history, deals with the meaning of the self, our definition of reality and what it means to be "human"?
Answer Serial Experiments: Lain
Song Duvet
Artist Boa
Number 73
Realm Ways to hurt you
Subrealm That you can't pronounce
Question Walk into the club like "What up, I got a big apa'apai." What do I have, and where does this hail from?
Answer An apa'apai is a war club from Tonga.
Song Thrift Shop
Artist Maclemore Feat. Ryan Louis
Hint T1. It's not a friendly item. S1. What do you call a store that has bargains? A1. If a Frenchman loved his Apple computer, what would he say?
Number 74
Realm Landmarks
Subrealm Not Football
Question You are in downtown Philadelphia. Your friend calls and says "meet me at the eagle." Where do you go to meet them?
Answer The Grand Court in Macy's (formerly Wanamaker's), next to the giant bronze eagle.
Song Tequila Sunrise
Artist The Eagles
Number 75
Realm Television
Subrealm At its best
Question Cory Monteith of Glee died on July 13, 2013, of a combination of heroin and alcohol. What was the subject of his final tweets to fans?
Answer Sharknado! (which was airing on the SyFy channel that night. Maybe he died happy.)
Song End of the Line
Artist Traveling Wilburys
Hint T1. A very silly fictional disaster, perhaps foreshadowing his personal one.
Number 76
Realm Religion
Subrealm In the North
Question What unique and nearly unprecedented challenge did the large Muslim community of Tromso, Norway, face this past summer, and how did they resolve it?
Answer Tromso is above the Arctic Circle. This year the month of Ramadan, when devout Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk, was during the summer, when the sun never sets. To avoid starving, the community obtained a fatwa allowing them to use the times of sunrise and sunset in Mecca to determine their fast.
Song When I'm Up I Can't Get Down
Artist OysterBand
Hint T1. A religious observation that is normally difficult enough, got a lot tougher. T2. What do devout Muslims do during Ramadan?
Number 77
Realm Meeting of the Absurd
Subrealm Inconceivable!
Question In the 1950s Samuel Beckett, Nobel-prize-winning author of "Waiting for Godot", while living outside Paris, used to drive his friend Boris's 12-year-old son to school in his truck. Who was the son, and why did he need a ride?
Answer Boris's son was Andre the Giant, of wrestling and Princess Bride fame. He needed a ride because he was too big to fit on the school bus.
Song Happy Together
Artist The Turtles
Number 78
Realm High Class
Subrealm Low Class
Question James Lipton, host of Inside the Actors' Studio, is of course a very cultured and well-connected man. But in 1951, while living in Paris, how did he make his living?
Answer He was a "macquereau" for a bordello. That's a high-class pimp.
Song Start Wearing Purple
Artist Gogol Bordello
Hint T1. It was hard out there. A1. The band is the "namesake" of a character played by Kal Penn
Number 79
Realm Sports
Subrealm Baseball
Question In the first inning of the first game of the American League championship series last fall, Detroit Tigers pitcher Anibal Sanchez accomplished a seemingly impossible feat, which had last been done in the postseason in 1908 by Orville Overall of the Chicago Cubs. What was it?
Answer He struck out four batters in the first inning. (One made it to first base when the catcher dropped the ball.)
Song Swing, Swing, Swing
Artist Glenn Miller
Number 80
Realm Music
Subrealm Rock and Roll
Question On December 8, 2013, Metallica played a show to a small but appreciative crowd of scientists and tourists at the Argentine base Carlini Station. Though small in terms of audience, what world record did this concert set?
Answer With this show, Metallica became the first band ever to play shows on all seven continents in one year (Carlini Station is in Antarctica). According to Rolling Stone, "In order to meet international Antarctic protocol to preserve the fragile local environment, Metallica played the whole show with no amplification. The sound was instead transmitted to the audience through headphones."
Song Seven Nation Army
Artist The White Stripes
Hint T1. There were possibly some penguins in attendance.
Number 81
Realm Toys
Subrealm Food
Question What two things does every package of Pay-Doh say about the consumability of the product? If you put them together, what can you conclude?
Answer "Non-toxic" and "Fun to play with, but not to eat." Thus it's OK to eat Play-Doh, it's just not fun.
Song Toxic
Artist Britney Spears
Number 82
Realm Cartoons
Subrealm It's bigger on the inside than on the outside
Question Sometimes cartoon characters seem to carry large objects in small pockets, for instance when a weasel reaches into Jessica Rabbit's cleavage and gets his hand caught in a bear trap. ("Nice booby trap" is how the hero compliments her.) What name have cartoon fans coined for this extra-dimensional space that contains anything a toon might need?
Answer Hammerspace (or Malletspace)
Song If I Had a Hammer
Artist Peter Paul and Mary
Hint T1. What's the most common thing a cartoon might need? T2. The word was coined by fans of the anime Ranma 1/2.
Number 83
Realm Cold
Subrealm Canadians
Question Why was the world's largest mobile refrigeration unit brought to Ann Arbor, Michigan in late December 2013?
Answer To build the ice rink for the NHL "Winter Classic" outdoor hockey game between the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs, held in Michigan Stadium on Jan. 1, 2014.
Song Hot n Cold
Artist Los Colorados
Hint T1. They needed it to make a whole lot of ice
Number 84
Realm Television
Subrealm Treking Stars
Question This particularly flamboyant star of one of televisions biggest sci-fi hits of the previous century has recently released his name slapped on a new cologne. Who is the star, and what is the name of the cologne?
Answer George Takei. Eau My.
Song My Oh My
Artist Aqua
Hint T1. Lions. T2. Tigers T3. Bears
Number 85
Realm Cosmetic Enhancements
Subrealm You're embarred to find attractive
Question Unhappy with your nipples? A bit of ink might be just the thing. You can have the perfect nipples in no time with this new and bizarre trend.
Answer Tittooing.
Song All The Things She Said (Remix, Russian Version)
Artist Tatu
Number 86
Realm Advertising
Subrealm Pushing the Envelope
Question What furniture company had its advertising banned by the British Advertising Standards Authority in 2012, and why?
Answer Sofa King, because their slogan was that their prices were "Sofa King Low"
Song Aqua Teen Hunger Force Theme
Artist Schoolly D, but no artist needed
Number 87
Realm Education
Subrealm That trains us to fail
Question The most watched TED talk of all time is by Sir Ken Robinson, an education consultant, about how schools kill creativity. He tells a story about a 6-year old girl who was not very interested in school, but who one day began to open up when asked to draw a picture. When the teacher asked her what she was drawing, she said, "I'm drawing a picture of God." "But nobody knows what God looks like", rebuked the teacher. What did the little girl reply?
Answer "They will in a minute!"
Song Build God, Then We'll Talk
Artist Panic at the disco
Hint T1. She was very confident in her abilities.
Number 88
Realm Literature
Subrealm Harry Potter
Question "If anyone were looking for some stuff..." what should they do?
Answer Follow the spiders
Song The Spider Man Theme
Artist The Ramones
Hint T1. Ron would have preferred butterflies
Number 89
Realm Aminals
Subrealm Zoos
Question We think of polar bears as white, but sometimes they turn a different color in zoos. What color, and what makes them do that?
Answer Polar bear hairs are hollow, to contain water for insulation. In warmer climates, algae gets in the hairs and turns them green.
Song Five O'Clock World
Artist The Vogues
Hint A1. Think of a small British car T1. The color is one you see a lot of in warmer climares, but not in the arctic. S1. The title is something you might have on a salad.
Note This was originially Green Onions by Booker T. & The M.G.S, but because it played just after 5am it was replaced by Five O'Clock World.
Number 90
Realm Movies
Subrealm Horse movies
Question What actor who appeared in the 1944 film National Velvet is famous for, among other things, having 8 spouses.
Answer Mickey Rooney. Note: Rooney's costar Elizabeth Taylor was also married 8 times, but she only had 7 spouses, because she married Richard Burton twice.
Song Henry the Eigth
Artist Herman's Hermits
Hint T1. He was a man, not a mouse
Number 91
Realm Junior High School
Subrealm We wish it was this amusing
Question "America the Book" by Jon Stewart and the Daily Show is designed to look very much like a middle school social studies textbook, down to the stamp on the inside of the front cover with lines for students to write in their names. The only clue that it's not real is a line at the bottom of the stamp which prohibits students from entering three particular names. What are they?
Answer "We are fully aware that Dick Hertz, I.P. Freely and Heywood Jablome are not real people, so please exclude them."
Song Love Hurts
Artist Nazareth
Number 92
Realm Forest Maintenance
Subrealm By the government
Question In Florida's Ocala National Forest, storms sometimes cause large trees to fall, blocking the recreational waterways. The Forest Protection Act prohibits the use of chainsaws in wilderness areas, so what does the forest service use instead to clear the waterways?
Answer Dynamite
Song Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
Artist Tom Lehrer
Hint T1. Even louder than a chainsaw
Number 93
Realm Communication
Subrealm Drums
Question In the 18th century, long before Europeans had telegraphs, people in West Africa had a long-distance communication network. Using a set of two drums, they could transmit messages of many sentences that nearly anyone within earshot could understand. How was this possible, given that they had no written language and no experience with cryptography, and the most sophisticated messages Europeans could transmit this way were simple commands, like "charge"?
Answer The languages spoken by the West African drummers are tonal, meaning that syllables have a high or low pitch. Drummers used one drum for high pitch and one for low, and translated speech directly into drumbeats. (Accept anything close.)
Song Pata Pata
Artist Miriam Makeba
Number 94
Realm Work
Subrealm And this meeting counts, right?
Question In August, 2012, a group of workers in California began starting work 39 minutes later each day than they did the day before. Why?
Answer They are the Curiosity Mars Rover team, and they were working on Martian time instead of Earth time. They switched back after 3 months because everyone felt jetlagged.
Song Life On Mars
Artist David Bowie
Number 95
Realm Food
Subrealm Japan
Question A Japanese fast food chain recently did a bit of soul searching and found that their best selling burger was not particularly favored by their female patrons. The fast food chain saw a whopping 213 percent rise in sales of this burger after they started offering what to female customers.
Answer An extended wrapper for the burger which hides their mouths while they ate.
Song Wrapping Paper
Artist Cream
Hint T1. It was a large burger. T2. Eating it was embarrassing. A1. This band had both Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker.
Number 96
Realm Anime
Subrealm Sailor Moon
Question The first season of Sailor Moon featured a pair of villains who were clearly a couple, Zoisite and Kunzite. Why was this an issue when the anime was dubbed in English, and how did the dubbers deal with it?
Answer Zoisite and Kunzite were both men in the original anime. In the English version, Zunzite looks the same but is female.
Song Lola
Artist The Kinks
Hint T1. It was deemed controversial for kids in the 1990s.
Number 97
Realm Bartending
Subrealm Sweetness
Question A half oz of Bailey's and a half oz of butterscotch schnapps give you what popular shot?
Answer a Slippery Nipple
Song You Can Leave Your Hat On
Artist Joe Cocker
Hint T1. Howard asked Penny for one when she was practicing bartending
Number 98
Realm Toys
Subrealm Television
Question Introduced in 1952, the first toy product ever advertised on television was?
Answer Mr. Potato Head
Song Couch Potato
Artist Weird Al Yankovic
Number 99
Realm Botany
Subrealm Latin
Question The Corpse Flower is the worlds largest flower. How might its latin name be translated?
Answer Its latin name means "giant misshapen phallus"
Song Penis Song
Artist Eric Idle
Number 100
Realm Transportation
Subrealm and how to pay for it
Question This year, A new ticket machine has been introduced at the Moscow subway that accepts what in lieu of payment?
Answer 30 squats
Song Ticket to Ride
Artist The Beatles
Hint T1. You don't know diddly...
Number 101
Realm Science
Subrealm Time Travel
Question In 2009 how did Stephen Hawking try to test for the existence of time travelers?
Answer He threw a party and sent out the invitations after the party had happened.
Song The Party Song
Artist Blink 182
Number 102
Realm Space
Subrealm Moons
Question What is unique about the moons of Uranus as compared to all the other moons fo our solar system?
Answer They are named after Shakespearean characters, rather than Greek or Roman gods.
Song Moondance
Artist Van Morrison
Hint T1. Look for them on a midsummer night
Number 103
Realm War
Subrealm Who not to mess with
Question When Kaiser Wilhelm asked the President of Switzerland what his quarter-million Swiss troops would do if invaded by a half-million Germans, what answer did a nearby Swiss militiaman give?
Answer "Shoot Twice"
Song Shoots and Ladders
Artist Korn
Number 104
Realm Things that Aren't Jokes
Subrealm The answer to this question.
Question What gunslinger's last line was the same as the first line of what famous play? (Also give us the line!)
Answer Billy the Kid, Hamlet: "Who's there?"
Song Who's There
Artist Smash Mouth
Number 105
Realm Trivia
Subrealm Color Trivia
Question You may have noticed that the colors of the Trivia website have been changing all night long. There were in fact 11 different color schemes. The question is, how did we pick the color schemes for the website? And for an extra point, name the sources of all 11 schemes IN ORDER.
Answer They are the color schemes of the 11 NESCAC schools. In order: Connecticut, Bates, Hamilton, Bowdoin, Colby, Tufts, Middlebury, Trinity, Wesleyan, Amherst, Williams
Song City of New Orleans
Artist Arlo Guthrie

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