Ann Arbor Blue Civic Michigan

Requiem for the Blue Civic

January 17-18, 2014

Pictures from the Contest

The scene at Blue Civic Central Command, 3150 Dow Building on the University of Michigan North Campus:

Outer Circle, from left: Christina Russ, Tyler Lemieux, Carol Mohr, Caroline Kirsch, Olivia, Orion Nola (by the food). Inner Circle: JP Kelly, Lauren Rademacher, Kristi Lewis, Kathleen Moffett.

Inner circle, clockwise from left: Missy Stump, Brian Bett, JP Kelly, Kristen Amman, Lauren Rademacher, Kristi Lewis, Kathleen Moffett, Kelsey Kerr

Outer circle, from left: Christina Russ, Tyler Lemieux, Cameron Burden

Here's a video of Gumboots playing on the turntable. It was warped, but sounded good!

Geezers on Stun: