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Duck Season's Favorite Movies

We here at Duck Season have put together a list of our favorite cinematic experiences for your question answering pleasure. Please peruse the list below, answer to the best of your abilities, and feel free to feel superior when you see how lame our taste in movies can be!

NOTE: Some Ducks (who shall remain "dethpicable") failed to submit their favorite movies, and have been duly punished with full credit for questions from bad movies.

That said, we hope you enjoy this Hour Bonus!

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The Eighth Dimension (Selected by Raf Francis, Eric Albert)

  1. What's hanging from the windshield of the Red Lectroid Thermal Pod?

  2. Buckaroo sings a song to Penny in order to cheer her up. What is Penny's response?

Airplane! (Selected by Dom Grillo, Steve Homer)

  1. McCrosky picked the wrong week to end his bad habits. Which habits were they again?

  2. Please translate either of the following two signs No smoking or Fasten seatbelts as they are translated in the movie.

  3. At the airport newsstand, how are magazines like Playboy and Penthouse categorized?

Apocalypse Now (Selected by Greg Pliska, Richard Levey)

  1. At one point during their journey, Chef and Willard go ashore, only to be frightened back on board by a tiger. What important piece of advice does Chef repeat to himself after this incident?

  2. Chef and Willard DO get off the boat, in search of mangoes. Chef then describes a fantasy in which he creates a mango cream pudding and spreads it on a starlet. Which starlet?

Army Of Darkness (Selected by Steve Homer)

  1. In the present day, Ash is employed at S-Mart, a megastore. What is their slogan?

At The Circus (Selected by Richard Levey)

  1. In this movie, Groucho Marx famously sings of the virtues of Lydia, The Tattooed Lady. What is unusual about the depiction of Lady Godiva that has been inked onto Lydia's body?

Back To The Future (Selected by Steve Homer)

  1. What is the name of Marty's 1985 rock band?

Blazing Saddles (Selected by Andrew Laitman, Richard Levey)

  1. When Hedley Lamarr recruited his army to destroy Rock Ridge, he was not particularly picky about choosing members. Applicants included members of the KKK, Hell's Angels, Mexican Bandits, and other evildoers. However, one person did disgust Hedley, when he was discovered to have chewing gum in his mouth, and was shot by Lamarr. Why did Hedley shoot the miscreant?

  2. After Hedley assembles his troops, he tells them they will be risking their lives, but what will HE be risking?

Bringing Up Baby (Selected by Ted Benson)

  1. Who, exactly, is Baby ?

Bull Durham (Selected by Ted Benson)

  1. Crash Davis recited a list of things he believed in. What was the final item on that list?

Casablanca (Selected by Andrew Laitman)

  1. Everyone comes to Rick s. We all know that. We are also told repeatedly what Rick has done since leaving New York, and are given various theories as to why he left and cannot return. Why, according to Richard Blaine himself, did he come to Casablanca?

Cinema Paradiso (Selected by Eric Lindholm)

  1. What is the village idiot always muttering?

Con Air (Selected, possibly as punishment, for Dan Aramini)

  1. What did Garland Greene find ironic about the choice of music played by the prisoners aboard the plane?

The Court Jester (Selected by Katherine Bryant)

  1. What action brings Hawkins in and out of Griselda's spell?

Days Of Thunder (Selected by Todd Betzag)

  1. Who was Cole Trickles main, most prominent sponsor on his car?

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb (Selected by Greg Pliska)

  1. There's a famous eleven-minute sequence that was originally intended to end the film, including Strangelove's triumphant Mein Fuhrer, I can walk bit. However, most of this scene was cut from the final release because it was believed to be too bacchanalian and high spirited. What event made up the bulk of the sequence?

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Selected by Des Devlin)

  1. On Halloween, Elliott disguises E.T. by covering him with a bedsheet. As he's leading him up to the nearby hills to phone home , E.T. suddenly sees another kid in a costume and reverses direction. What is this other kid dressed as?

Fandango (Selected by Kimberly Wadsworth)

  1. According to Dorman, what could anybody possibly like about the state of Texas?

Field Of Dreams (Selected by Todd Betzag)

  1. After leaving Boston, Ray and Terrence head for Chisholm, MN. Who are they seeking?

The Godfather Part 2 (Selected by Des Devlin)

  1. In the first Godfather , EVERYBODY gets rubbed out while Michael Corleone's godson is being baptized. In Part 2, who gets whacked while reciting the Hail Mary?

Goodfellas (Selected by Eric Lindholm)

  1. What are the two most important lessons in life?

The Goonies (Selected by Dom Grillo, but not necessarily by Diana Tenery)

  1. As you ll remember, the plot is about a group of kids who go searching for a pirate's hidden treasure. What was the name of the pirate?

  2. Do you remember the scene with the octopus? No? Well, we don t blame you, since it was cut from the original release. Since we are cruel, we still expect you to tell us how the Goonies defeated this creature from the deep.

Life Of Brian (Selected by Greg Pliska)

  1. Brian learns from his mother that, much to his dismay, his father was a Roman centurion. When he asks her, Mum, were you raped? , what does she reply?

Local Hero (Selected by Raf Francis)

  1. Why does old Ben own the beach?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Selected by Ted Benson, Raf Francis, Robert Kent, Andrew Laitman)

  1. How are The Knights Who Formerly Said Ni now known?

  2. Who was the first of the group to be done in by the Killer Rabbit?

  3. At the Chicago premiere of Holy Grail , the first 500 attendees received a free gift. What was it?

National Lampoon's Animal House (Selected by Todd Betzag, Steve Homer)

  1. As a result of the parade sabotage, a coed is thrown through a window, where she winds up on the bed of a little boy. What is his delighted response to this turn of events?

  2. What (real-life) musician's guitar gets righteously trashed by Bluto after the musician's sickening attempt at a love/protest song?

The Natural (Selected by Todd Betzag)

  1. What phrase did the radio announcer repeatedly use to describe a home run?

Night Of The Living Dead (Selected by Greg Pliska)

  1. Complete the Sheriff's cogent description of the zombies, as told to a reporter: They re dead. They re ___ _____ __.

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Selected by Kimberly Wadsworth)

  1. Everyone knows the Coen Brothers got the plot of this film from Homer's Odyssey . Where did they get the TITLE from?

Office Space (Selected by Eric Lindholm)

  1. Milton burns down the office because Lumbergh takes something from him, besides his pay and dignity. What is taken?

  2. What lame invention does Tom develop with the money from his car accident?

Patton (Selected by Ted Benson)

  1. According to General Patton, you do NOT win a war by dying for your country. How DO you win a war?

The Princess Bride (Selected by Eric Lindholm)

  1. According to Vizzini, What are two of the classic blunders?

The Philadelphia Story (Selected by Raf Francis)

  1. How does Diana plan to stop her big sister's wedding?

Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Selected by Steve Homer)

  1. What has the infatuated student written on her eyelids as a message to Indiana during the class lesson?

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Selected by Tanis O Connor)

  1. Whose lips are seen singing throughout the opening credits?

The Seven Per Cent Solution (Selected by Raf Francis)

  1. Holmes informs Watson that he should explain the impending absence of new Holmes stories in the following way: Tell them I died. Tell them I fell off the top of Reickenbach Falls. What is the Holmesian significance of this lie?

1776 (Selected by Raf Francis)

  1. What reason does John Adams give for his not being the person to write the Declaration of Independence?

Shakespeare In Love (Selected by Raf Francis)

  1. Queen Elizabeth commissions a new play from Shakespeare, a comedy. What is the deadline for completion of this play?

The Shawshank Redemption (Selected by Todd Betzag)

  1. What was the name of the person Andy Dufresne created from thin air ?

The Silence Of The Lambs (Selected by Des Devlin)

  1. What normal facial activity does Anthony Hopkins do very little of, in the course of his performance as Hannibal Lecter?

Starship Troopers (Selected by Craig Ganzer)

  1. If all you cared about was seeing bugs, it was a fine movie. If you wanted a retelling of the book, well, hopefully you missed the movie. What was the major change to the Mobile Infantry in the movie?

Star Wars (Selected by Ted Benson)

  1. What did Luke and Biggs like to do back at Anchorhead?

Tank Girl (Most certainly not willingly selected by Dan Katz or Gary Selinger)

  1. In the year 2033, Water & Power controls the earth's water. What event caused this group to gain this power?

  2. All Roos are reincarnated humans. This includes which famous poet?

Taxi Driver (Selected by Richard Levey)

  1. Robert De Niro blows his first date with Cybill Shepherd by taking her to a porno movie, which is a shame, considering that it got off to a good start when he presented her with an album by what artist?

The Third Man (Selected by Des Devlin)

  1. Orson Welles makes the greatest entrance in movie history in this one. What animal is involved?

The Tin Drum (Selected by Ted Benson)

  1. How did Oskar's father die?

This Is Spinal Tap (Selected by Paul Kahn, Ted Benson)

  1. Billy Crystal plays a mime/caterer at a party in the movie; what's the name of his company?

  2. Lead vocalist David St. Hubbins has an unusual name, or, as David mentions, St. Hubbins was an unusual saint. Which patron saint was he?

  3. What was the first song David and Nigel ever wrote together?

  4. When Spinal Tap plays their gig of experimental jazz, the of course play it at the Themeland Amusement Park. The marquee at Themeland lists a double bill of performances. Name the performers.

28 Up (Selected by Des Devlin)

  1. If you haven t seen this great, ongoing documentary series, you smell. Anyway, one of Tony's prize possessions is a photograph of himself, finishing last in an event. What event?

2001: A Space Odyssey (Selected by Greg Pliska)

  1. Enroute to the site at Clavius, Dr. Floyd speaks to his daughter, via videophone, on her birthday. Who plays his daughter?

The Usual Suspects (Selected by Eric Lindholm)

  1. Where did Verbal Kint get the name Kobayshi for his fake story for Agent Kujan?

Winnie The Pooh and the Blustery Day (Selected by Ted Benson)

  1. Tigger's Song expounds on the many virtues of Tiggers. But what is the MOST wonderful thing about Tiggers?

The Wrong Trousers (Selected by Helen Mango)

  1. Where does Wallace keep his piggy bank?

  2. What is the headline of the newspaper that Gromit reads?

Young Frankenstein (Selected by Andrew Laitman)

  1. As we know, Frederick wound up putting the brain of one Abby Normal into the body of his creation. Whose brain did he originally intend to use?

The Naked Gun - From The Files of Police Squad! (Selected by Three Naked Guys)

  1. Frank Drebin does something at the baseball game in this movie that rarely has happened in cinematic history, but was duplicated by Robert De Niro in The Fan . What did both characters do?