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"I've Got Ives In My Pants" Team Roster

Charles Ives took over Mike's Pants. These were the casualties. May God rest their souls.

The Name

Their Epitaph

The Fitch NestersMay They Someday Get A Bigger Room
Mike Veloso '98Obey.
Kian Bergstrom '98Mike, wanna watch The Shining?
Scott Canty '98Give me my Goddamn fleece!
Heath Dill '98You in?
Clay Elliott '98I'm openin' up a big can o' whup-ass!
The Nest TransientsMay They Someday Understand "Nest Magic"
Allegra Martin '99I *am* Gilbert! I *am* Sullivan!
Chris WhiteThey're bringin' it!
John Miles '00Mmmkay...
Josh "The Frosh" Burson '01Well, perhaps it's since I'm from Maine...
John Finkbeiner '00After trivia, I gotta work at the theater, then I'm gonna get trashed.
Annaliis Abrego '01I *hate* bra-shopping with Kian!
Wayne Wight '00Living proof of rampantly gay behavior on college wrestling teams.
Patchen Mortimer '00I have dirt on *everybody*.
Ursula Ross (Wesleyan) '98Look, Mike, I can make it wink!
The WSO-typesMay They Someday Get A Bigger Server
Chuck Hagenbuch '00Release the Horde!
Jason Healy '00Aloha!
Jess Scott '00Do I get to keep the candy bars?
Chris Richards '00I could whup Chuck's ass. I'm just keeping that fact quiet.
Dave Ramos '00Say "cheese"!
Dan Mason '00This guy wants to pay us to do his wife...
The Out-of-townersMay They Someday Get Home
Maggie Ronald '99They really did this place up nice after the Nazis bombed...
Emily Ronald '99G'day!
The AcademicsMay They Someday Get Published
Tom Garrity, Dept. of Math Winning trivia and killing small furry animals for years.
Mikhail "Misha" Chkhenkeli, Dept. of MathAnd this is the coolest theorem of them all...
Bill Lenhart, Depts. of Math and Computer ScienceAnd then you will be very sad...
Jorge Calvo, Dept. of MathJust call me the new guy.
The Oldest AlumMay They Someday Get Crust Scraped From Them
Kris Bruneau '97No! And I don't *look* like Derek, either!
The Fresh BloodMay They Someday Get Respect
Vi Hua '01Rule.
Beth Budwig '02"Students put their clothes back on."
Heidi McGowan '02Smiley face scribe
Ben Isecke '02Let it be known: He licked Katy's nose.
Robert Foxwell '00Web man.
Jason Carini '02Always good for an obscure quotation.
Joe Masters '02The other web stud.
Abid Shah '02No, not the one that took hostages.
Elissa Shevinsky '02Small.
Shirin Fozi '01The Bear.
Charlie Doret '02Leah's kid sister... Yeah yeah...
Laurie Bennett '02Um, no. That was a *different* Laurie Bennett, thank you.