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Roger Zelazny

Creatures of Light and Darkness

  1. What is "Waylock's" real name?

  2. How did Waylock come to lose his memory?

  3. What is the odd relation between Waylock and the Prince of a Thousand years, or Thoth, as he is also known?

  4. What were Horus's two main powers?

Lord of Light

  1. Give as many names as possible for the protagonist:

  2. What are the native energy creatures of the world of the book called?

  3. Who is the mechanical genius who created Agni's fire wand, Shiva's trident, and Brahma's chariot?

  4. Who was that mechanical genius in love with?


  1. The first book is entitled "9 princes in Amber." Give the names of the nine titular characters:

  2. Now name their surviving sisters.

  3. By the end of the Corwin Chronicles, who of the above has died?

  4. The redheads of the family had a common mother. What was her name?

  5. Who was Oberon's eldest surviving son?

Greek Myth

  1. There were twelve main Gods and Goddesses. Name them.

  2. Hercules was still mortal when he accomplished his famous Twelve Labours. What were they?

Norse Myth

  1. The Norse Gods were not naturally immortal. How did they overcome their inherent mortality?

  2. The Norse Gods inhabited Asgard, but two of their number were not originally from Asgard. Who were they, and were did they come from?

  3. In the battle of Ragnarok, how did Thor die?


  1. What was the name of the actor who played Conner MacLeod?

  2. Fill in the blanks (from the TV show):
    I was born ____ years ago in the highlands of Scotland.  I am immortal, and I
    am not alone.  Now is the time of ______, when the stroke of a sword will
    unleash the power of _____.  In the end, _________________________.

  3. What sort of weapon do Duncan and Connor use? (Be Specific)


  1. The famous line "Oh Lord, what fools these mortals be!" is said by Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." What was Puck's real name in that play?

  2. Name the conditions that the weird sisters imposed that would have to surround Macbeth's death, in the play of the same name.

  3. Explain the technicalities under which all of the above circumstances were fulfilled.


  1. Match the Valar lords with the Valier (their spouses)

    1. Manwe
    2. Orome
    3. Tulkas
    4. Namo
    5. Irmo
    6. Aule

    1. Vaire
    2. Nessa
    3. Varda
    4. Este
    5. Vana
    6. Yavanna

  2. Gandalf is a maiar, not immortal, but pretty damn close. Give his real name.

  3. Sauron, or Gorthaur, is another maiar. He was originally a servant of one more powerful. Who was that "fallen vala"?


  1. Why is Hob Gadling immortal?

  2. Which of the Endless have (definitely) died?

Orlando (the film)

  1. Name the different sections of the film:

  2. What three literary luminaries does Orlando meet in the company of the Countess?

  3. Who tells Orlando not to grow old? (name of character and actor)

  4. What does King William of Orange tell Orlando to bring to the East when Orlando leaves to become an ambassador?

Essay Question:

    If you could bestow the gift or curse of true immortality on any person or thing, who or what would it be, and why?