Contest Main Page | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40

11. What trustworthy anchorman made this man so upset?

  1. Red Barber
  2. Lowell Thomas
  3. Howard Stern
  4. Edward R. Murrow
  5. Walter Cronkite

12. Please identify in order the Scarecrow, Tin-man and Lion.

13. Who are these two people?

14. Bokassa and Amin were from what 2 countries, respectively?

  1. Central African Empire and Uganda
  2. Equatorial Guinea and Uganda
  3. Uganda and Central African Empire
  4. Uganda and Equatorial Guinea
  5. Central African Empire and Equatorial Gainea

15. What country are these people in?

16. Who is this person and with which organization did he get his 315?

We here at Plastic Pal hope you are now warmed up and in the swing. These are more difficult. All you need to do is tell us the artist who created each work.


