Polar Vortex

January 16-17, 2015

Ultra Bonus Explained

The answer we were looking for was "Sharks v. Jets" or "Sharks and Jets" or something along those lines, though luckily for you, we also accepted "West Side Story", since this seemed to be the most popular correct answer (and presumably if you are guessing WSS, you figured out that the clues pointed to Sharks and Jets, which was our intention).

We separated each page into 2 columns and ended up putting shark clues on the left and jet clues on the right, but this was subtle.

  1. The lemon and cookie cutter were for lemon sharks and cookie-cutter sharks, two types of sharks. That the cookie cutters were in the shapes of chemistry equipment was a red herring (and maybe made it too difficult? I guess not, since Jack got it). We did not expect anyone to get it based on this clue, though were very surprised when JackDaBomb guessed "sharks" based on this alone. The proof was taken from the Journal of Economic Theory (JET), which was listed in the header of the page.
  2. A goblin for goblin shark. The picture of the group of Japanese people was of the Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program, or the JET program. A reverse-image search of this on google would point to this program, but I'm not sure how many people used this technique for the ultra bonus. Oh, and the ink cartridges go to an ink-jet printer. Yes, these clues were also difficult.
  3. This might have been a weak set of clues, for which we apologize. We had a deck of cards for card shark, an IOU for a loan shark, and a picture of the jet stream.
  4. The two teams at the top were of players from The Sharks and The Jets, and the player at the bottom goes by the nickname "The Shark." Or so I'm told. (Sports facts are not my area of expertise.)
  5. The clues here, from top down, are a picture of a hot-tub on a plane, for (water) jets on jets (planes), a bull for bull shark, and a picture of the Jet Pets logo (reverse google image search would have helped here as well, if you are unfamiliar).
  6. This hour's clues were a jet-ski, an image taken from the TV show "The Shark Tank", and a picture of the band Jet.
  7. This clue led many of you to sharks. A hammer head and a nurse led at least one team to assert the existence of jetpack sharks. (The image on the right is of a jet pack.)
  8. A shark, a jet, and a picture of the Sharks and the Jets from West Side Story.

The Ultra score distribution is as follows:

  • six team scored 8 points (1-2am with The Dearly Departed Mr. Bett solving it first at 1:12 am).
  • one team scored 5 points. (2-3am)
  • three teams scored 3 points. (3-4am)
  • four teams scored 2 points. (4-5am)
  • six teams scored 1 point. (5-6am)

All together, not an awful distribution. We hope everyone had fun with it, and it wasn't too frustrating for those of you who got the sharks half of it, but not the jets. I know we had fun reading the incorrect answers.

Anyway, more post-contest stuff from us to come, but that's all for now.

Signed, Austin and Daniel, of Polar Vortex Episode V: The Vortex Strikes Back

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