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Giant Pygmies o'Beckles Team Name Bonus

As any triviaphile knows, the best trivia team names are trivia themselves, references from some movie, famous book, important event, etc. The following are names of famous/infamous trivia teams that have played at Williams in the last decade or so. Please give us the original sources of these names. (Be as specific as possible.)

In other words, where did these names come from? (There are 30 of them.)

  1. Very Small Rocks -- from "Monty Python & Holy Grail," what floats in water apart from witches

  2. 1313 Mockingbird Lane -- the address of TV's "Munsters.

  3. Communist Mutants from Outer Space -- a happily-forgotten video game.

  4. Odds and Ends for 20, Art -- a request a contestant might make on the original "Jeopardy" game show.

  5. Local 12 -- the union of villains & thieves to which Boris & Natasha belonged, on "Rocky & Bullwinkle."

  6. Smedley Terrace -- The terrace in front of Prospect House.

  7. Walter J. Zwiercan -- At the time of the team's formation, the very last name in the Williamstown phone book.

  8. Seven Years of College Down the Drain -- Bluto's reaction to being expelled, in "Animal House."

  9. Left Turn at Alberquerque -- What Bugs Bunny always thinks he should have made, upon arriving at some strange location.

  10. The Usual Suspects -- what Louie always rounds up when there is trouble, in "Casablanca."

  11. Paul Lynde to Block -- a common strategic request by contestants on "The Hollywood Squares."

  12. The Singleman Party -- the name of the affair Dustin Hoffman crashes at the hotel, while waiting for Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate."

  13. Grape Nehi -- Radar's favorite drink, from "M*A*S*H."

  14. My Second Favorite Organ -- Woody Allen's opinion of his own brain, in "Sleeper."

  15. Pros from Dover -- the name Hawkeye & trapper use while playing golf in Tokyo, from the film "M*A*S*H."

  16. Jane, Stop This Crazy Thing -- George Jetson's cry from the end of every "Jetsons" episode.

  17. I'd Like to Buy a Vowel, Pat -- a frequent request on "Wheel of Fortune."

  18. 53rd Hostage -- What "Doonesbury"s Duke was, while being held in Iran.

  19. Chicago 60609 -- the mailing address of the famed Spiegel's catalogue.

  20. Exit, Pursued by a Bear -- a stage direction from Act 3, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's "A Winter's Tale."

  21. Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems -- the defense contracting firm that served as a front for the Red Lectoids from Planet 10, in "Buckaroo Banzai."

  22. Nasty Big Pointed Teeth -- the chief characteristic of the killer rabbit in "Monty Python & Holy Grail."

  23. Flourescent Sheep from Lawrence, Kansas -- animals surviving the TV movie, "The Day After."

  24. Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy -- the description of the Mos Eisley spaceport given by Obi-Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars."

  25. Lowlife Scum -- the sheriff's description of the zombies, from "Dawn of the Dead."

  26. Maria la Concha -- admittedly apocryphal, but believed to be the name of the prostitute who claimed the virginity of one of the team's players' father.

  27. Phasers on Stun -- command never actually given on "Star Trek."

  28. Victor's Vector -- technical term from the movie "Airplane."

  29. Maximus Drott -- name on the construction equipment used for most of the major projects on the Williams campus; also a club in NYC.

  30. The Three Least Hairy Things in the Refrigerator -- what Arthur Dent ate, after returning home from his sundry adventures in "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish."