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Taha Noa Noa

May 13-14, 2016

Action Trivia Submissions

Highest-scoring submissions are shown in boldface

Note: in-person performances and those submitted via email might not appear on this page.

Action #1: Mad Men to the Max

Show us Mad Men, Mad Max-style; or show us Mad Max, Mad Men-style.

Action #2: Trivia Then and Then

Give us a glimpse of Williams Trivia as it was played in the year 1866, or as it will be played in the year 2116.

Action #3: You Picked Your Own Poison

Earlier tonight, all teams were asked to pick two numbers between 1 and 10. What you didn't know is that your numbers would correspond to two lists here at headquarters. The first is a list of ten subjects; the second is a list of ten genres or styles. You must perform the subject you blindly chose, in the style that matches your number. Your chat host will tell you your assignment.

Action #4: The Late Show

Salute any music star who has died in 2016, by showing us what they've been doing since they left us.

Action #5: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Because we're looking for accuracy and detail, we're giving you a choice of three areas. Perform whichever one of the following moments you can recreate best:

  1. Sheldon Cooper's Viking dream from Season 2;
  2. Kanye West's embarrassing, headline-grabbing admission on Howard Stern's radio show last year; or
  3. The memorable Joker cameo in Alan Moore's "Watchmen."

Action #6: If you're appy and you know it, ...

Pick any popular app, and become a human version of it.

Action #7: The Great Debate

Two or more 2016 presidential candidates debate the merits of the Marvel vs. DC universes.