[The Society of the Griffins] GRIFFINS BOARD SELF-NOMS

Samuel Mecha scm2 at williams.edu
Wed May 5 17:54:14 EDT 2021

Good evening Griffins,

We will be holding elections next week to fill the vacancies for the 2021-22 school year and are accepting self-nominations until May 11! We will be accepting ere are the open positions:

The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, activities, programs, and accomplishments. The Secretary will handle all formal correspondence between members and officers of the group. Prior to general meetings the secretary will share the agenda for the upcoming meeting, as well as the minutes from the previous meeting, with all members. 

The Programming  Director shall oversee all programming related to the Griffins. Furthermore, the director will provide regular updates with board members to discuss programming-related matters. The Programming Director shall be responsible for executing all matters-related to events hosted and conducted by the Society of Griffins. These matters include but are not limited to: academic, professional and social programs. 

The Communications Director chair shall oversee all communications between the Griffins and the Williams community. Furthermore, the Director will provide regular updates in meetings with committee members to discuss communications-related matters. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: event advertising and promotion; outreach to faculty, administrators and third-party speakers/professionals; and maintenance of the group email as well as all social media outlets.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please notify me (scm2) or Hamza Mankor (hm6) along with a short statement (max 150 words) of your self-nomination explaining your candidacy by TUESDAY, MAY 11. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!


The Griffins Board
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