[Jewonthis] Announcements! Announcements!

Koltun-Fromm, Ariel ak27 at williams.edu
Tue May 1 19:52:19 EDT 2018

Hello All,

Here are a few things to put in you calendars for this week.

*Campfire with WCJA and WOC! Join us to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Lag
BaOmer with a campfire, s'mores, cider and hot chocolate. Wednesday
evening, 5/2, at 8:15pm at the fire pit near the tennis courts behind
Mission. All are welcome! *
*Challah for Hunger Needs Your Help!*
Help us on Thursday bake fresh, personal challahs to sell on Friday to
benefit local organizations that deal with food insecurity. We will be
making dough Thursday morning, baking in the afternoon, and selling on
Friday. We especially need help Thursday afternoon and selling on Friday.
If you can, please sign up on the sign up sheet. It will be a lot of fun,
and we would greatly appreciate it.

*Texts to the Holy: A Poetry Reading and Seudah Shlishit with Rabbi Rachel
*Saturday, May 5, 7:45pm, Jewish Religious Center*
How do we engage the sacred through the written word? Join Rabbi Rachel
Barenblat for a special se'udah shlishit (final Shabbat meal) and havdalah
(ritual to close out Shabbat) where we'll read and learn from her recently
published book of poetry, Texts to the Holy.

We'd love to see you at any or all of the above events!

Happy Tuesday,

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