[TSAW] Welcome to the Taiwanese Student Association!!

Chen, Jacob jmc8 at williams.edu
Thu Sep 8 22:38:12 EDT 2022

Hi everyone,

Thank you for joining the Taiwanese Student Association at Williams! We're
so excited to have you. I'm going to tell you about *joining the board *and
our first event of the year: *a mid-autumn festival barbecue*!!

*Joining the Board*
All the current board members are seniors, which means we are looking for
YOU to pass the club on to and to step into a position of leadership!
Regardless of how you identify, if you would be interested in joining the
board and building up the
Taiwanese/Taiwanese-American/Chinese/Chinese-American/Hong Kong/any other
related community on campus, please respond to this email. We would love to
have you join us. <3

*Mid-Autumn Festival Barbecue*
The Mid-Autumn Festival this year is on 9/10 (Saturday). It is a Taiwanese
tradition to have a barbecue on the Mid-Autumn Festival every year (if you
happen to speak Mandarin, this video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOzrN68tMSM> explains why), so that is
what we are going to do! More details are in the poster attached below.

That's all for now. See you all this Sunday!!


[image: image.png]
*Jacob M. Chen*
*Williams College Class of 2023.5*
*B.A. Major in Computer Science and Concentration in French*
*Pronouns: he/him or they/them*

*Land Acknowledgement*

*We respectfully acknowledge that Williams College stands on the ancestral
homelands of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohicans, who are the Indigenous
peoples of the region now called Williamstown. Following tremendous
hardship after being forced from their valued homelands, they continued as
a sovereign Tribal Nation in Wisconsin, which is where they reside today.
We pay honor and respect to their ancestors past and present as we commit
to building a more inclusive and equitable space for all.*
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