[TSAW] Open Board Meeting + Join GroupMe!

Catherine Chen cc22 at williams.edu
Sun Sep 18 15:59:22 EDT 2022

There will also be plenty of leftover mooncake at the open board meeting, please come and have some!!

> On Sep 18, 2022, at 2:54 PM, Catherine Chen <cc22 at williams.edu> wrote:
> Hi TSAW friends!
> Thank you to those who attended our mid-autumn festival barbecue, we hope you all had a great time🥰 For those who sadly couldn’t make it, the board is in the process of planning out more fun events for the semester, so stay tuned! On the topic of planning future events:
> Open Board Meeting + Dinner
> If you are interested in joining the board of the Taiwanese Student Association at Williams, or simply have some exciting ideas about future events that you wanna share with us, join us for an open board meeting over dinner this upcoming Friday 9/23, 7-8pm, @ Paresky 220! If you just wanna come hang out and have dinner with us, we’d love to have you there too!! We plan to have an open board meeting/dinner like this every other Friday at the same time, so make sure to come by and say hi🥳
> GroupMe
> Join our GroupMe to stay connected with the community and be the first to get updates on future events! Link to join: https://groupme.com/join_group/89304921/2A3GKEs8 <https://groupme.com/join_group/89304921/2A3GKEs8>
> See you all this Friday!!
> Warmly,
> TSAW board

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