[TSAW] Open Board Meeting on 3/15 at 7pm

Chen, Timothy thc1 at williams.edu
Sun Mar 12 10:01:17 EDT 2023

Hello everyone,

I hope everything has been going well these past few weeks as we look
forward to spring break!

This* Wednesday, March 15th, from 7:00-8:00 pm in Paresky 114*, TSAW will
have an open board meeting. We'll discuss events for the rest of the year,
including collaboration with other student organizations. April 5th is
Qingming Jie/Tomb-Sweeping Day, and it'd be great to hear your input about
what we're hoping to do. We're looking for ideas and interest in other
future events, and we'd love for you to come and share your thoughts! This
is also an opportunity to get involved with the board in planning our

We hope to see you there on Wednesday!


The TSAW Board
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