[WCFMRadio] Quadio Info Session

Pyle, Phillip pjp1 at williams.edu
Sat Sep 28 11:59:01 EDT 2019

Hello DJs!

As Matt sent recently, Quadio is a new music sharing platform launching
this winter that will be super cool for student musicians at williams and
campuses nationwide. George Taylor ‘22 is holding an info session for
Quadio to garner interest and explain the platform tomorrow (Sunday,
September 29) in Griffin Hall Room 4 at 8 pm. Stop by to hear George talk
about the features of Quadio, how to get involved, etc!

Hey, what’s up, this is George Taylor, class of 2022. I’m reaching out
because I'm planning on putting together an information session on the new
college-based music streaming platform I’m helping build. To give you a
little background, the platform, called Quadio (https://www.quadio.com), is
designed to be a digital music hub at your campus where student artists can
come share their music, find other artists in their immediate community to
make music with, and ultimately, help your peers hear the music that you
create. Would love to set up a time to show people with a demonstrated
interest in music how the app works and field any feedback you might have.
This concept is completely tailored towards student artists, so your
feedback/opinions are everything. The app will be launching in January so
it's also a cool way to get ahead of the game at the campus level before

Look forward to hearing from you!
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