[WSO] Onboarding

Megalaa, Andrew anm4 at williams.edu
Sat Sep 24 17:35:12 EDT 2022

Hey all,

The onboarding meeting will be in *Wachenheim (NSB) 113 from 2-4pm.* Food
will be provided.
Make sure you bring your own laptops and chargers.

Before the meeting tomorrow, please complete these pre-onboarding steps.
They should not take long and will allow us to spend more time working on
code rather than tooling.

   - Create a GitHub account if you do not have one already. Fill out this
   form <https://forms.gle/zGKDFoUBGmYB9KP17> so we can add you to our
   private organization.
   - Install Git
   <https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git> if you
   haven't already done so (if you are in any CS labs, you have done this
   - Install VSCode <https://code.visualstudio.com/download>; this is our
   primary tool for development.
   - If you use a Windows machine:  We ask that you install Windows
   Subsystem for Linux on your machine. Follow these instructions
   <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install> on how to do
   that. If you have trouble with it, we can handle it tomorrow but please try
   to install it on your own first. This will save you a lot of development
   headaches later on.

See you tomorrow at 2pm!

The WSO Board
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