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987 bytes added, May 12
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* [[Maddie Nowbar]] ('26) (Lee)
* [[Nick Gonzales]] ('22) & [[Asher Gladstone]] ('24) (Co-Simons)
WARP's Board for 2024-2025:
In the initial election, [[Maddie Nowbar]] and [[Cassie Aretsky]] were elected as the WARP Figureheads for the Fall and Spring Semesters respectively. According to Nowbar, this election was a "landslide." Shortly after their election, Nowbar abicated the Figureheadipality. Due to a quirk of the WARP constitution stating that the group can only hold one election per year, The future of the Figureheadipality was decided by a [[Jumbling Tower]] and Bananagrams game between [[Austin Osborne]] and [[Michael Faulkner]], which Osborne won. Osborne was then crowned as Figurehead.
The rest of the board, elected as normal, follows hence:
* [[Michael Faulkner]] (Shadowy Grand Vizier)
* [[Cassie Aretsky]]/[[Maddie Nowbar]] (Fili of the Bards)
* [[Madison Rozic]]/[[Izzy Weitzman]] "Two Swords" (Quartermaster)
* [[Madison Rozic]] (Pope)
* [[Jenna Shuffelton]] (Not-Pope)
* [[Cassie Aretsky]] (Anti-Not-Pope)
* [[Maddie Nowbar]] (Lee)
* [[Elena Sore]] (Leigh)