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Common courtesy

1,364 bytes added, 04:01, August 30, 2012
In dorms
Suggestions, accumulated wisdom, and community norms for how to treat strangers with considerately. Please expand.
==At doors==
#* And be careful how you maneuver with that umbrella. You almost took my eye out.
# If you are innocently walking around campus in a crowd of people and you suddenly see Jack Bauer running after someone and he yells at you to get down, do it.
# If you are sick, especially with a cough, stay out of the library! No one wants your germs and it's impossible to concentrate if the person next to you is hacking up a lung.
==In Conversation==
#*Don't take other people's ingredients. Don't use other people's cookware to store your food in. In fact, try to avoid using other people's cookware altogether, and, if you really must do so, do it so they aren't aware of the fact that you used their cookware (clean it, and don't do a half-assed job, either).
# Don't throw your old sardines, or any other stinky refuse, into the bathroom trash can. There is a trash room.
# Talk to your janitorcustodian.
# Don't destroy or abuse property. Particularly not if it belongs to somebody else.
# If you yak or see someone yak in a place that's a bit out of the way -- a basement, far-off corner, or anywhere that isn't a toilet, really -- make your best effort to tell someone responsible that there's a stinky, biohazardous mess on the floor.
# Make sure the toilet actually flushes when you go. It's gross to have to flush someone else's bodily functions for them.
# Put seats down on toilets after you use them- not everyone can pee standing up.
#* Point of information: humans who are not naturally blessed with cis-masculine plumbing may nonetheless enjoy a squat-free squirt by employing a [ Shewee], [ Whiz Plus], or [ LaFemme].
# If you should find yourself living in a dorm where walls/doors are thin (i.e., Morgan, other recently-renovated dorms), please refrain from flinging your door wide open and letting it SLAM! behind you, creating a deafening crash. This is highly annoying no matter what time of day it is.
=== In laundry rooms ===
# If there's only one omelet left at the dining hall, ask the person behind you if they want half.
#* Likewise, if you are offered a half of an omelet, ask the person behind you if they would like a quarter... and so on.
#* If there are "only" 6 chicken tenders left and only one person in line behind you, don't take more than half. Especially if you already have a burger on your plate.
# When putting up your tray in [[Driscoll Dining Hall|Driscoll]] or [[Mission Dining Hall]], gently place your silverware into the cloudy blue dishwashing solution, don't throw it in there and splash everyone around you.
# Oh yeah, and don't try to compost paper cups, saltine wrappers, etc. -- there's a trash can for that.
# If you go outside to [[smoking|smoke]], for crying out loud, throw away your cigarette butts when you're done. Littering is not cool, ever, and this is no exception.
#If you have a plastic/glass/aluminum container to toss, but the nearest public recycling bin is full, hang onto it until you come to one that isn't full rather than making a pile on top of the bin. The [[facilities]] staff should not have to remove dozens of empty bottles sitting on top of the container before they empty it.
==In [[classes]]==
# Don't fall asleep in a discussion class. [[Coffee]] is your friend.
#* Don't interpret the former as the latter.
# When you go into the [[language lab]] in [[Weston]], hand your [[ID card]] to the monitor, don't just throw it into the bin.
# If you take notes on a laptop, especially in a large, dimly-let lecture (say, ARTH 101), turn the brightness down. It's easier on everyone's eyes--including your own!
#* Also, if you're "taking notes" on your laptop, don't make it too obvious that you're checking your email or watching video clips on YouTube. Resist the temptation to yell "Haw! Haw! That dog's wearin' a baseball cap!"
# Although your time is valuable, please do not start packing your bag/putting on your jacket three minutes before class ends. All that rustling is gosh-darn irritating to your classmates, and mad disrespect to your prof (whose final words are usually the most important).
==Cell phones==
# If you are 168 years or older, recall that you've suffered hearing loss. What seems to be an inconspicuous whisper to you is actually quite loud.
#* I'm sure all the senior citizens around [[Williamstown]] read Willipedia...
#* Where am I? Is this Yoohoo Tube? Can anyone hear me? Is this a virus? I got lost on the WebMD psoriasis page. Is this the Google?
# Don't bring small children.
# Take off your [[Talk:{{PAGENAME}}#Hats|hat]].