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Undeadly Ten

52 bytes added, 21:18, May 16, 2006
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1.) Evan Miller. The MOST facebooked person of anyone on campus. Seriously. Double the number of Facebook hits then anyone else on campus. And that's for shizzle.
2.) Ben Rudick. If he hasn't taken your photo without your permission, then you haven't spotted him hiding in the bushes underneath your window. Or you may just be that unattractive.
 3.) Sean Carollo. The kid with the cape. Sean CarolloAnd the hat. And the walking staff. Yeah that guyAnd the magic powers
4.) Morgan Goodwin. Probably drafting a college council response to this post as we type.
5.) Toni Kraeva. She was on the committee that chaired this list. Go '09's.
65.) Marita. Head of the QSU. Don't make her kick your ass in a leather bustier and fish nets.   6.) Toni Kraeva. She was on the committee that chaired this list. Go '09's. 
7.) ????