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"Time" Man of the Year

The wagers were set and recorded, and it is now time for the gusto bonus, where the scores can really change. In the best egalitarian tradition, BOMO has decided that the realm for the gusto bonus should not be one of the traditional five, but rather from an all-new source, one that everyone is sure to have had contact with.

Every January, a certain mild interest is piqued by the announcement of the Time Magazine "Man of the Year." We want you to name the winners of the Time Magazine "Man of the Year" award for the past 13 years, from 1963-1975.

As you can see, the answer sheet we have provided contains helpful, handy hints to guide your guessing. Please note that in eight years there was indeed ONE man of the year, in three years a particular group was singled out to epitomize the "spirit" of a given year, in one year 3 individuals won the honor, and in one year two individuals won it.

In order to receive the full credit of your wager, a total of 10 of the 13 answers must be correct and matched with the proper year. Please note again that the bonus phones are to be used for guessing, but the final answers must be in written form on our answer sheet. At 6 AM, a BOMO courier will arrive at your team's location to pick up your answer sheet.

Finally, if no one answers the gusto bonus, the wagers will be void and no team will lose points. Good luck.

This is the final answer sheet for the gusto bonus. PLEASE use this sheet ONLY for your final answer, NOT as scratch paper. A BOMO courier will arrive on or about 6:00 AM to pick up your attempt. In the event that the courier is caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of his/her actions. Good luck, Jim.