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Villains' Secret IDs

Our sixth hour bonus comes from the realm of comics, both Marvel and DC. Here is a list of 16 super villains who fought either Spider-Man or Batman. We want to know the real names of these super villains.

  1. The Lizard
    Curt Connors

  2. The Living Vampire
    Michael Morbius

  3. the first Green Goblin
    Norman Osborne

  4. The Outsider
    Alfred Pennyworth (the butler!)

  5. The Scarecrow
    Jonathan Crane

  6. Molten Man
    Mark Raxton

  7. Penguin
    Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot

  8. Riddler
    Edward Nigma

  9. Sandman
    Flint Marko

  10. Doc Ock
    Otto Octavius

  11. Catwoman
    Selina Kyle

  12. Tarantula
    Auton Miguel Rodriguez

  13. Cavalier
    Mortimer Drake

  14. Scorpion
    Mac Gargon

  15. original Clayface
    Basil Karlo

  16. second Clayface
    Matt Hagen