The Scores Contest Main Page

Department of Contest Design


DATE September28, 1978
TO all Bomos
SUBJECT Contest planning
CC all Bomos

Dear Bomo,

We all are aware of the standard of excellence that the Bomo Trivia Team prides itself on, a standard that on May 12th brought Bomo yet another triumph. Yet the Trivia Team itself is only a component of Bomoco, Inc., and the time is now at hand to assemble the Bomo Trivia Contest Design division. As the official keepers (and releasers) of nostalgia and definers of Trivia, the standard of excellence that brought us to victory must be exponentially increased in terms of Contest Design. To quote a noted Bomo archivist:

"In all modesty, we must recognize that the Almighty ordains only a few mere mortals with the divine task of defining Trivia. We must accept that the modern secular equivalent of 'parting the Red Sea' is to release megatons of nostalgia."

In short, running a contest is a big deal, and we'd like to do a great job. This, of course, requires time and effort throughout the semester, and even more on Trivia night. We have about 35 members of Bomo on the active on- campus roster-- we'll need all of you.

To start the process moving, we'll be having a meeting on Sunday mornIng, October 1st at 10:30 AM in the Makepeace room on the first floor of Greylock Dining hall. Basically we'll talk Trivia for an hour or so, to get an idea of where we stand. The senior members of Bomo ran the contest two years ago, and we're way ahead of schedule this year.

To best organize the creation of the contest, certain members of Bomo have been delegated responsibility for the gathering of questions in each element of the contest. This is for organizational purposes only; ultimate responsibility for input to the contest must come from everyone. This input should be directed to the appropriate individual:

MOVIES: Larry Pensack, SU Box 1862, Ex. 6072
TV/COMICS: Mitchell Katz, 1763, 6642
SPORTS/ MISC.: Tom Gardner, 1673, 6537
SONGS: Tom Soybel, 1940, 6642

See you Sunday...

E Trivia Armigeri,

Pass the word......