If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?

January 26-27, 2024

Action Trivia Submissions

Highest-scoring submissions are shown in boldface

Note: in-person performances and those submitted via email might not appear on this page.

Action #1: Tommy

Action #2: Elevation

Get to the highest place possible. Submit two pictures: one must include a clearly readable phone or other portable device showing the elevation of the team’s home base, and one must include at least one team member holding a phone or other portable device showing the new elevation. Use of mind-altering substances is strictly prohibited in accomplishing “highness,” with the exception of caffeine.

Action #3: Cooking

Time for a late-night snack! “Cook” a bird-inspired meal using at least three ingredients and record a 30-second video presenting it to a panel of judges.

Action #4: Birdy Biden

What kind of bird would Joe Biden be? Select a bird and write a convincing, well-reasoned argument as to why Joe Biden would be that bird. Max word count: 200. Do not use the letter “U” in your response: responses containing the letter “U” will automatically receive only 1 point.

Action #5: Flag Redesign

Action #6: Paper Phallacy

Given seven 8.5x11 sheets of paper, make a free standing structure as tall as possible. Then, perform a skit up to one minute in length which cleverly incorporates the sculpture. Submit a recording of this skit. Points will be awarded equally based on the height of the structure and the “quality” of the skit. Paper can be modified using tools but the structure must consist only of paper (i.e. adhesives are prohibited).

Action #7: That Mobile Game Your Nephew Won't Shut Up About

Download RAID: Shadow Legends. For the points, submit a screenshot of the victory screen for Kaerok Castle's final stage (Stage 7).