Requiem For the Blue Civic were:
Mark Conger
- Website and database (blame him for website colors)
- Diagrams
- Several Actors, Same Role
- Big Bang Theory (show questions)
- Shepherding of the OnAir questions
Louis Moga
- Streaming
- Teleprompter
- IRC administration and chat handling
- Google docs interfacing
- Sound equipment
- Audio bonus
Carol Mohr
- Ultra bonus
- Dance Video bonus
- Shepherding of the Pixar Bonus and the Cars Bonus
- Song questions on the cars bonus
- Theories questions on the Big Bang Theory bonus
- Answer Sheet queen
Brian Bett
- Secret Identities bonus
- All Action trivia ideas
Jacob Moga
- Easter Eggs bonus
- Contest Intro
- Assisted with IRC chat handling
John Moga
- Cars Bonus, historical and movie questions
- DJ Extraoirdinaire
Missy Stump
Sam Nola
Nick Moga
- Sound equipment
- Assisted with IRC chat handling
Carolyn Kirch
- Pixar rentals from the library
- Assisted with IRC chat handling
- Lots and lots of food
We all contributed on-air questions and songs, and others came from
- Daniel Boone (whose Alaska trivia is much and varied)
- Drew Conger (who didn't win Silver's colt but who actually heard Uncle Don say "That ought to hold the little bastards")
- Paul Greiner (whose knowledge of Sailor Moon is comprehensive)
- Matthew __ (whose obsession with Cecil Rhodes is a little disturbing)
- Clare Maher (who knows a guy who sets off dynamite in National Parks)
- Bailey McDaniel (whose knowledge of Mickey Rooney and Andre the Giant is impressive)
- Deet Newman (who would probably like to have a pet armadillo that doesn't have leprosy)
and others.
We also asked all our friends for diagrams in their particular fields,
roles played by multiple actors, and to watch Pixar movies for us.
Diagrammers included Kyle Goldberg, Allen Armstrong, Bruce Sagan, Susan
Lazar, Sierra Grant, and especially Kelsey Kerr, who drew the
chemistry molecules, wrote out "Braille" in Braille, and taught me how
to braid hair. John and Mary Remmers, Sarah and Eric Holt, and Bruce
Price enjoyed playing the "same role" game, and made contributions.
Pixar viewers included Ken Josenhans and Leslie Smith (who enjoyed Up),
Twila Price and her granddaughter Leslie (Brave and Rattatouie), and
Ruth Calhoun and Orion Nola (who watched Monsters Inc. with their Mom).
Finally, we could never have put on Trivia without the help of a
small army of volunteers who came out on the night of the contest to
staff the chat windows and grade boni. They were mostly University of
Michigan students, and all were incredibly graceful and good natured.
They were:
Cachet Colvard
Cameron Burden
- Pop Culture Recycling Program
- Hong Kong Cavaliers (He's Dead Jim)
- Shiny Metal Ass
- Tugboats and Arson
Christina Russ
Janine Lewandoski
JP Kelly
- Holy Cow
- Tasmanian Treebiters of the North
Kathleen Moffett
- Geezers on Stun
- The Lone Bayonette
- Trapped in the Polar Vortex
Kelsey Kerr
- A Bustle in your Hedgerow
- I was Lon Chaney's Lover
Keon Ray
Kevin Refior
Kristi Lewis
- SpAc3 Tigers
- Running Dog
- Second Place Stars
Kristen Amman
- The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
Lauren Rademacher
- Pop Culture Recycling Program
- Hong Kong Cavaliers (He's Dead Jim)
Nicole Skehan
Tyler Lemieux
Thanks to everyone for all your help. It was quite a ride!