May 11–12, 2012
Contest Intro: An Eight-Hour Tour
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
A tale of an epic team,
That started back in Nixon's days,
In a Gladden House big scene…
Peemo was a walking almanac,
His team was large and sure,
BOMO set off at 12 o'clock
For an eight hour tour,
An eight hour tour.
No streams! No scans! No Google search!
And the phones were rotary!
But BOMO on that wintry night
Held on for victory
In December '73
They won that night and two more times,
And contended every year…
Three thousand points in a dozen tries
And then they disappeared!
For twenty years they stayed away,
'Til the new millennium
Through the wonders of the Internet
BOMO emerged again!
Another decade passed in which
Results were rather mixed
Twenty contests came and went
But the best we did was sixth!
But finally a team emerged
That proved their BOMO worth
And won a noble victory
A twenty-twelve rebirth!
So join us now as we set sail for our first contest in years
With four Gardner's…
And two boyfriends… both of them, named Brandon
Six guys from Penn
The Professor and Mary Ann!
Here on Trivia Night!