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Old-Time Baseball

  1. What was the first professional baseball team?

  2. What Hall of Famer has the most home runs?

  3. Who was baseball's only fatality, and whose fault was it?

  4. Who is credited with moving Babe Ruth to the outfield?

  5. Where did the Babe go to high school?

  6. Who were called out in the only unassisted triple play in World Series history?

  7. Who once pitched twelve innings, only to lose the game?

  8. Everyone knows that Don Larsen pitched the only perfect World Series game in history. Tell us who lost it.

  9. Why was 1955 "next year"?

  10. What two pitchers pitched nine-inning no-hitters against each other?

  11. Who made up the "$100,000 infield"?

  12. What happened to Fred Merkle after he lost the pennant for the 1908 New York Giants?

  13. NICKNAMES-- Give the real full names of the people known as.......

    1. Cool Papa--

    2. Candy--

    3. Cyclone--

    4. Kiki--

    5. Pud--

    6. Judy--

    7. Grey Eagle--

    8. Wahoo Sam--

    9. Beauty--

    10. El Maestro--

  14. Give the origins of the following nicknames......

    1. Three-Fingered Brown--

    2. Iron McGinnity--

    3. The Amazin' Mets--