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Comic Books

  1. What is the name of Aquaman's half-brother?

  2. What is his wife's name, and what is her power?

  3. What gave Bruce Wayne the inspiration to become Batman?

  4. Who wrote the introduction to issue #400 of "Batman"?

  5. What is Catwoman's real name?

  6. What was the name of the project that turnedSteve Rogers into a superhero?

  7. What race was Captain Marvel? How did he die?

  8. Who were the original members of the Defenders?

  9. Name all of the Freedom Fighters.

  10. What is the oath of the Green Lantern?

  11. What planet is Hawkman from?

  12. What was Swamp Thing's name before his transformation?

  13. Name all of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

  14. Where is "Warlord" set?

  15. What city is the Shadow from?

  16. Who were the original members of X-Factor?

  17. With what device did the Fantastic Four drive Galactus away from the Earth?

  18. How did the Silver Surfer eventually get past the barrier that surrounded Earth?

  19. What super-villain taught the new Captain America all of the old one's moves?

  20. Who is Cerebus?

  21. What is Nexus' real name?

  22. What company almost ran the two largest comic book-producing companies?

  23. What did issue #600 of "Superman" celebrate?

  24. Who did Bruce Wayne perfect his detection skills under?

  25. What was the original comic book description of Superman's powers?

  26. Has Steve Rogers ever directly killed anyone as Captain America? And if so, in what issue and how?