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Just One Word

The solutions to each of the following questions are just one word.

Please answer using just one word.

Any two-word answer you write will be one word too many. Because the correct answer will be just one word.

Have we all got the concept here?

Just.... one.... word.

  1. In "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," by what nickname does the Ugly call the Good?

  2. What is the most widely-spoken language on Earth?

  3. What is the one word left behind by the Lorax?

  4. We all know you've watched the video, so don't even lie. What word does rocker Tommy Lee have tattooed across his stomach? (Admittedly, the middle 2 letters are often obscured.)

  5. What's the first word spoken on the first regular episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" broadcast in 1969?

  6. Archie Griffin is the only person ever to win this award twice.

  7. What is the one word that Rufus T. Firefly cannot abide being called?

  8. Name the cardboard box that turned Calvin into various beasts and creatures.

  9. What Persian prophet introduced a dualistic religion in which the forces of evil battle those of the Lord of Wisdom for dominance, and in which individuals are damned or saved by their own actions?

  10. What makes the muskrat guard his musk?

  11. What bizarre one-word signoff did Dan Rather briefly use at the end of "The CBS Evening News"?

  12. What was Clubber Lang's terse prediction for the Balboa-Lang rematch?

  13. Ubin whubat lubanguage ubis thubis subentence?

  14. Which chemical element has the lowest atomic weight?

  15. The star of the TV series thought his character's name (which was part of the show's title) was his FIRST name. However, the producer/creator of the program always assumed it was the character's LAST name. Either way, what was the name in dispute?

  16. What is the only word spoken aloud in Mel Brooks' "Silent Movie"?

  17. In what town can you find Leroy "Encyclopedia" Brown?

  18. Big Daddy rails against which character trait throughout ãCat on a Hot Tin Roofä?

  19. What's the official term for the shape on the Nike logo?

  20. The protagonist of a cereal commercial proved so popular that the company brought him back in adulthood so viewers could see how he'd grown up. Name him.

  21. In "The Quiet Man," on what's supposed to be their wedding night, John Wayne throws Maureen O'Donnell onto the bed, cracking its frame. But nothing further occurs. The next morning, a visiting Barry Fitzgerald spots the broken bed, comes to the wrong conclusion, clucks his tongue, and offers what one-word assessment?

  22. The original three TV networks were NBC, CBS, and this one.

  23. In an emergency, a Land O'Lakes box of butter can be folded to provide a pornographic image. Which items serve as the Indian girl's makeshift breasts?

  24. What marital aid keeps Beldar and Primat Conehead's sex life alive?

  25. What, precisely, is the sound of weasels ripping my flesh?

  26. During the opening credits of "The Wild Bunch," a group of children are happily torturing an animal. Which?

  27. In soccer, if you are under pressure and decide to play it safe by kicking the ball back to your own goalie, what noise will you invariably hear >from the spectators?

  28. At P.T. Barnum's famed New York museum, several signs led gullible customers to an alleged attraction. However, they ended up out on the street. Name the attraction Barnum's suckers inadvertantly found.

  29. Dylan ended up with Kelly behind Brenda's back, while Brenda spent her summer in what city?

  30. Harry Lime met his death in this Vienna environment.

  31. What kind of company printed the most valuable baseball card ever?

  32. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog thinks everything is perfectly fine for him to do this upon.

  33. A long-running game show also dealt in Just One Word. Contestants and their partners had to give clues as to the word, the clues themselves consisting of Just One Word. And the name of this game show was (you got it) Just One Word. Write it.

  34. Who won the first recorded Olympic event?

  35. Though some people called him Mr. Shor, this popular restauranteur of the 40s and 50s was widely known by what nickname?

  36. What word does the rapist in the Alfred Hitchcock film "Frenzy" repeatedly grunt, during his assaults?

  37. Name Tintin's dog.

  38. Which company produces most of this country's Easter egg dye kits and other paraphernalia?

  39. Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to observe bacteria. But that's not what he called them. What was van Leeuwenhoek's term?

  40. He turned straw into gold in exchange for a live baby, but the deal fell through when the Queen told him his own name.

  41. Name the Little Rascal whose name means "to prevent."

  42. America homors its war dead with Memorial Day. What "Day" is the Canadian equivalent?

  43. What's the name for a huge stepped temple used by the Sumerians for sacrifices?

  44. What was Maggie Simpson's first word?

  45. What word does Quasimodo repeatedly shout, after rescuing Esmerelda?

  46. The characters in these teeny, waxy comics included a short, fat, bald kid, a kid with his turtleneck sweater pulled up to his nose, and a half-blind kid with an eyepatch (who was also the namesake).

  47. What word did the Junkyard Dog have written across his buttocks? (On his wrestling trunks, that is; we didn't know him that well.)

  48. Fred Flintstone has a severe gambling problem. When the mania strikes him, what one word does he jabber repeatedly?

  49. What board game requires "a minute to learn.... a lifetime to master!"

  50. What object was digitally inserted into the opening scene of "Forrest Gump"?

  51. In the 1200s, Genghis Khan and his successors oversaw the largest land empire in history, but the W Mongols were Islamized by the end of the century, and successor states eventually lost their Mongol character by assimilation. Whose troops reunited this area, briefly, in the 14th century?

  52. What's the main curseword used by Mork?

  53. Who's the only one of Pac-Man's four original enemies whose name did NOT rhyme with "skinky"?

  54. What's the name of Kane's sled?

  55. What's the name for a Tibetan guide who helps climbers up Mount Everest?

  56. Which character has the shortest name in the Land of Make Believe?

  57. There have been several chart-topping instrumentals. Please print the full lyric to the #1 song that contains just one word (albeit a word that gets repeated 3 or 4 times).

  58. What's the only thing that B.A. Barakas was afraid of?

  59. What was the first word spoken by the formerly mute Helen Keller?

  60. Trouble and Headache both feature what centrally-located gaming technology?

  61. What is Mr. Mxyzptlk's least favorite word?

  62. What heavily-edited silent film ends with one character shot dead, and handcuffed to another character in the middle of Death Valley's unending desert?

  63. In the first episode of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," Mary Richards goes on a job interview with Lou Grant. Richards is told that she possesses a certain quality, but is then informed that Lou Grant HATES it. What?

  64. In 1999, an aide to Washington D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams was forced to resign for using what word to describe a city budget?

  65. What's the generic term for Chinese human smugglers?

  66. First it's a candy, then it's a gum.

  67. What superhero (now deceased) kept his costume inside his ring?

  68. According to Basil Fawlty, all of Manuel's many imperfections could be explained by mentioning his hometown. What was it?

  69. Name the foremost manufacturer of jukeboxes.

  70. Gandhi led a march to the river to protest an English tax on what?

  71. What one word, above all others, would you associate with Leonard Pinth-Garnel?

  72. The first crossword puzzle ever was in what shape?

  73. What comic surname connects Smiley, Phoney, and Fone?

  74. What style of art is characterized by extravagant decorative effects, asymmetries copied from organic models, and artificial pastoral subjects (the musical equivalent is called "baroque")?

  75. The opening credits to "National Lampoon's Vacation" were superimposed over dozens of these.

  76. Norman Mailer was not allowed to use cursewords in "The Naked and the Dead," a scenario we on Make Way For Ducklings, Motherfucker can empathize with. What non-word was invented by Mailer to represent "fuck"?

  77. In the 1970s, Muhammad Ali and Wilt Chamberlain were in serious negotiations to hold a boxing match. Alas, the deal fell through. What was Ali's uncharacteristically brief answer to reporters afterwards, when asked who would have won the match?

  78. What sound on "The Addams Family" meant that the mail was in?

  79. Mark has a bizarre underwater sequence in the film "Trainspotting." Where does this sequence begin and end?

  80. Who was the nipped-ear cat who tormented the Smurfs?

  81. What is Harry S Truman's middle name?

  82. What do you call a group of crows?

  83. As Sam leaped from body to body in "Quantum Leap," what computer measured the odds and scenarios?

  84. The longest stretch between a music act's debut on the Billboard 100, and its finally hitting the #1 position, is 30 years. Name the song title that did it.

  85. Which championship Williams Trivia team had the shortest name?

  86. With what stolen possession does Iago successfully cast suspicion upon Desdemona?

  87. Rickey Henderson has an odd defensive habit in left field. What kind of catches does he make more often than all other outfielders combined?

  88. Which role on the old "Batman" TV series was portrayed by the greatest number of actors?

  89. George Foreman gave all five of his sons the same first name. What?

  90. There have been three Spys in the history of MAD Magazine. One's black, one's white. What color was the third?

  91. What unusual fashion accessory did Tootie wear throughout the first season of "The Facts of Life"?

  92. The Nairobi Trio were all what?

  93. This comic book has featured characters based not-in-the-least-bit-loosely on Oscar Wilde, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and most recently, Ernest Hemingway.

  94. Who was Alexander the Great's tutor?

  95. Which animals did Elliott set free in "E.T. The Extra Terrestrial"?

  96. "Ask your doctor" about the wonder drug that can help you lose weight. But whatever you do, don't ask about the quickly-muttered side effects-- "you may experience gas with oily discharge, increased bowel movements, an urgent need to have bowel movements, and an inability to control them." Yeah! Name this fantastic product!

  97. What is the battle cry of The Tick?

  98. What is the generic name for every pamphlet handed to people attending a Broadway play or musical?

  99. While a belligerent blind man destroys his grocery store, W.C. Fields is continually berated by a second customer bellowing for these fruits.

  100. Which movie company's logo depicted a broadcasting radio tower straddling the world?

  101. A long-running comic book series (and also animated cartoons) followed the story of a small boy who'd died or been killed in his early youth, precise details of his death not being provided. He thus became a white specter, as he forever wandered the Earth in desperate search of friendship. Alas, those he approached usually fled in screaming terror. What was the first name of this horrific apparition from beyond the grave?

  102. Anne Boleyn was the only queen in British history to have three of these.

  103. What unusual attribute did Florence Henderson used to say the chicken had a certain amount of?

  104. What's the oldest city in the world?

  105. In a standard deck of playing cards, how many eyes are there on the card called a "one-eyed Jack"?

  106. When Bud and Kelly started to get scraggy around the edges, "Married... with Children" added a cute child to the Bundy family. However, he sucked almost as bad as that punkass girl from the Pepsi commercials. And so they dumped him without further explanation (although his picture appeared on a milk carton in a later episode). What was the first name of this briefest of all Bundys?

  107. What 1983 album was produced by a man nicknamed "Q" and sung by a man nicknamed "Stinky"?

  108. What did Meryl Streep claim took her baby, in "A Cry in the Dark"?

  109. Who is the youngest person ever to be featured on a U.S. coin?

  110. What's the term for a normal civilian without any magical abilities, in the "Harry Potter" books?

  111. What's the name of the toy poodle that belongs to "Buffalo Bill"?

  112. What's the shortest first name of any United Nations Secretary General?

  113. A measurement mishap in the props department led to the emergency employment of two midgets dressed as Druids. What song went along with this?

  114. This red rectangular memory game had nine bleeping buttons, which you had to hit in the order they flashed.

  115. Tom Ochiltree, Paul Kauvar, Don Enrique, Colonel Holloway, Jack Hare Jr., Nellie Morse, Dr. Freeland, Count Fleet and Tom Rolfe all claimed this.

  116. Name the foremost pricing guide for comic books.

  117. Name the butler on "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."

  118. Who has the conversation in which he learns that he can only stop flying bomb missions if he's crazy-- but since he wants to stop flying them, he must be sane-- and therefore must continue flying missions?

  119. What must all able-bodied Muslims who can afford it perform at least once during their lifetime? (Official word, please.)

  120. What is the first word painstakingly written by Christy Moore with his left foot, in "My Left Foot"?

  121. Who thought the crows seemed to be calling his name?

  122. Nowadays every political scandal, no matter how inane, is called "Something-Gate." This is intended to reflect the Watergate crisis of 1972-74. Which was the first scandal AFTER Watergate to get the imbecilic suffix?

  123. From "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," what's the only known substance that can kill a toon?

  124. These days,it doesn't matter whether it occurs in WCW, WWF, or ECW. Whenever a wrestler gets his opponent in a corner, and chops across his chest with an open palm, the audience will make the same noise. What?

  125. In this 1980s videogame, you tried to prevent intergalactic Galaxa-type specaships from constructing a space station in the shape of a demonic deathmask. When you failed, the face would come to life, chasing you while booming, "RUN, COWARD, RUN! RUN! RUN!"

  126. What usually prevents you from seeing most of Wilson's face?

  127. By what name does Tony Roberts call Woody Allen's Alvy Singer character in "Annie Hall"?

  128. Which country's flag is simply a solid, one-color rectangle?

  129. The last scene of the film has the leading lady dead from a bullet to the head, slumped on her car horn.... her traumatized daughter being led away by the same man who incestuously fathered her.... and the leading man being advised to forget the whole thing. What cinematic neighborhood are they all in?

  130. 0.5 ounces of alcohol is called a "pony." 1 ounce of alcohol is called a "shot." What is 1 pony plus 1 shot called?

  131. Holden Caulfield fantasizes about being the "Catcher in the Rye," a job which entails preventing children from running towards what?

  132. Nicolas-Jacques Pelletier was the first person in history to have a bad encounter with this.

  133. What film has interconnected plotlines involving Little Richard B-sides, a drunken fistfight in a manger, and trivia questions about (among others) Alan Ameche?

  134. Name the blue-haired, red-nosed superhero seen on "Sesame Street."

  135. What painting is displayed behind bulletproof glass at the Prado?

  136. Two regular but separate characters in Charles Schulz's "Peanuts" strip had the same name. What was it?

  137. In Dennis Potter's last televised interview, what did the playwright name the pancreatic cancer that was killing him?

  138. What was the name of the capsule used in the world's first manned spaceflight (five later launches shared the name)?

  139. Could you tell us how to get to Carnegie Hall?

  140. The colonists who were abandoned at Roanoke Island before vanishing without explanation left behind a single, tantalizing clue which historians have still been unable to crack-- a single word carved onto a tree. Name it.

  141. What job did Chris have on "Get a Life"?

  142. What did Narcissus end up gazing at?

  143. "HOLY SHIT * MAN WALKS ON FUCKING MOON" was the July 21, 1969 headline of what newspaper?

  144. Remember the Williams College graduate who got knocked off "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" on THIS question? We do. But here's your chance to redeem Ephian honor. How many half-tones are there in an octave?

  145. Fill in the missing word in this instruction from Steve Martin's The Sledgehammer: How It Works: "Many people are surprised to find out that the sledgehammer has only one moving part: ____."

  146. What land animal is clocked at the greatest maximum speed?

  147. What did the Gashlycrumb Tinies' Ernest choke on?

  148. When famed opera singer Enrico Caruso was in his most famous role, what type of character was he dressed as?

  149. What irritating MTV VJ was a Republican (shocking!), a virgin (how COUNTER-counter-culture!), and a dowdy non-bimbo type (can you STAND it?)?

  150. What movie contains dancing mushrooms, an army of brooms, and hippopotami in tutus?

  151. What's the German word, often used in psychiatric or literary contexts, meaning "exact counterpart"?

  152. Name "America's Family Newspaper," which recruited young salespersons through comic books for years?

  153. Who pyramid-hopped away from an angry snake named Coily?

  154. What did a boy need to possess in order to have control of the discussion, in "Lord of the Flies"?

  155. What was the biggest thing imploded on March 26, 2000?

  156. This candelabra collector always found time to mention his brother George during his performances.

  157. What one-word piece of career advice did Benjamin Braddock receive in his backyard?

  158. By what nickname is the most successful athlete named Eldrick usually called?

  159. Name the cockroach who typed poetry, one letter at a time.

  160. Which beer do Barney and Homer usually enjoy?

  161. What sound effect do Wolverine's adamantium claws make when he extends them?

  162. For that matter, what sound effect does Nightcrawler make when he transports himself?

  163. The Daily News published a famous hidden photo of Ruth Snyder at the moment of her electrocution. What was the one-word headline?

  164. What kind of drink is most favored by Falstaff?

  165. Who was the first ruler of Britain whose name did NOT begin with an "E" or an "A"?

  166. What word temporarily interrupts the music in MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This," AND in Britney Spears' "Crazy"?

  167. Name the longtime Russian news agency.

  168. Scream the answer if you have to. What is Soylent Green?

  169. Which country borders the most other countries?

  170. "WKRP in Cincinnati" had a few of them, but what's the only TV sitcom to feature a character named "D.J."?

  171. Speaking of "WKRP in Cincinnati," what kind of animal was the WKRP station mascot?

  172. Surrounded by Germans during the Battle of the Bulge, what was Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe's response to their offer of surrender?

  173. Last month, astronomers announced their most distant discovery yet, something 26 billion light-years away from Earth. What sort of object is it?

  174. Not counting "GO," what is the first space on a Monopoly board that's just one word?

  175. This self-replicating substance that froze the oceans of Earth was the final creation of scientist Felix Hoenikker.

  176. Jimmy Smits' character died on "NYPD Blue," after suffering an infection to this part of his body.

  177. In "Billboard" chart history, only two #1 songs have been sung by a performer with a one-character-long name (i.e. "A"). Give us either one of them.

  178. That wasn't so bad. Okay, so now give us the other #1 singer's 1-character-long name.

  179. What lived on Mauritius until around 1681?

  180. Which character in "The Iliad" is also a foaming cleanser?

  181. What fruit, not available in nature, is exclusively transported aboard the S.S. Guppy?

  182. The most famous scene in this film actually features swirling chocolate syrup.

  183. Which volcano's eruption reportedly killed the most estimated victims?

  184. Which character died suddenly in the last season of "thirtysomething"?

  185. One of the many, many ads for ESPN showed an announcer trying to come up with yet another irritating catchphrase for the home run. (Like "went yard" isn't retarded enough.) What was the only one-word attempt in the ad?

  186. It has five anapestic lines, of which the first, second and fifth have three accents. What?

  187. As you play this game here in Williamstown, MA, what is the nearest town whose name is also that of an international capital?

  188. According to people like Jim Ross or Michael Cole, who is the ninth wonder of the world?

  189. What feature does the Great Pumpkin look for when choosing which pumpkin patch to appear in?

  190. On the wall of the Sistine Chapel is Michelangelo's even better "Last Judgment." Amid the nightmarish images therein is a sinner holding another man's skin. Of whom is this empty, gutted skin a portrait?

  191. Name either of the nations to win a single World Cup championship.

  192. "Private" is only the second-lowest rank in the U.S. Army. What is the lowest?

  193. Oddly, the main movie in film history whose action centers around a leopard is NOT "The Leopard." And though the film's title is three words long, it includes the one-word name of said leopard. Give us the one-third that's the leopard's name.

  194. In the novels, Tarzan's adoptive father is the king of the apes. What is his name?

  195. This was lowered five inches between 1968 and 1969.

  196. James Thurber's grandmother spent her life worrying that this was leaking all over the house. What?

  197. Name the longest-running stage production in Broadway history.

  198. What is the only word that refers both to a state of lesser grace, and an acrobatic style of dance?

  199. What was the first comic book to have a #0?

  200. What word means that this Super Bonus was a great idea, but possibly not, and I'm not being indecisive?

    And now we have two words for you: good luck.