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HONOR EXCLAMATION OF FUNKATATION (worth a psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop) I promise to do my duty For Uncle Jam and my booty And then, in the face of the enemy, To protect the groove... That we hold so dear! To hold said groove 'til crystal clear! So that the blind may see, and the deaf may hear! So that the frigid may feel the funk! I promise to get off my booty, To avoid the rust, And live the motto... IN FUNK WE TRUST. (groove)
____________________ (bonus point for specifically identifying the source of this)


PEOPLE: Back around the time when we won the last contest, People magazine published in its May '95 issue its list of the "50 most beautiful people." We bought

LETTERMAN: What List Bonus would be complete without a few Top 10 lists? To the best of your recollection, fill in the Top 10...

  1. Least Used Hyphenated Words
  2. Canadian Nicknames for Americans
  3. Names for the Reunited Germany
  4. Names for Ross Perot's Political Party
TRANSFORMERS: Unfortunately, there's too many for you to name all of them So just do the Decepticons. (53)

MUSIC: Um,, Yeah. Name:

  1. Every member thus far of YES (12)
  2. All of Spinal Tap's albums (17)
  3. The seven modes

THE ETERNAL CHAMPION: In Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion novels, we count 39 aspects of said Champion mentioned. You know what to do. Good luck.

THE ALPHABET: There are lots of things that consist of 26 words, each starting with one letter of the alphabet. Thus...

  1. This year's list of names for hurricanes/tropical storms (21)
  2. plus the 5 letters they don't use
  3. The Morse Code for each letter of the alphabet

ELVIS: We been restrained from making an entire Elvis bonus, and this has been written to humour them. Historians and freemasons alike agree that the most spectacular part of Elvis's career was his stint on the silver screen. So we want you to relive the glory of Elvis's past and list all of his films. (31)

CHAUCER: Was it T.S. Eliot, or perhaps Rick James, who said "Chaucer rocks the house, yo"? Whoever it was, he was way right. Name each member of the party of p

AND JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT...: Name the first 10 songs we played for this contest. Love, ELVIS NEEDS BOATS

THE PENULTIMATE QUESTION: In the movie Liszt-o-Mania, about Franz Liszt (get it?), who played the title role?

YOUR FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS: Write compilable, functioning code to do something cool (points for creativity), which uses the LIST as one of it data structures