May 10-11, 2024


1 225 Too Many Noodles
2 218 If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?
3 209 Jack Is da Bomb
4 202 Somehow, You Made It Worse
5 190 Dry Heaves
6 184 You can have my points when you pry them from my cold, dead hands. I would no sooner surrender my points than I would surrender my life, my heart, my sacred memory of all that came before. My points tell the story of who I am, where I've come from, and what I've done. YOU. SHALL. NOT. HAVE. MY. POINTS!
7 183 Cream Cowboys
8 153 West Sequestered
9 144 Triple Deception
10 126 Almond Grief
11 114 Th'echidnas are all right
12 94 Occam's Toothbrush
13 83 Charlie's Got a Busy Night
14 81 Chicago 60609
16 56 Cat Polycule
17 55 You know what's funnier than 24? 25 years.
18 42 Lasagna
19 20 Micheal from Washington is SOOOOO STROOOONG
20 19 Mr. Brightside
21 11 Geezers on Stun
  11 Singing Axolotls
23 10 BOMO
24 6 Bella, Where the Hell Have You Been Loca?
  6 Tasmanian Treebiters of the North!
26 0 Area 52
  0 Bite my shiny metal ass at a wedding
  0 TriviaTechTest

Some scoring notes may be added in the future. Or not.

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