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It's seven AM. You're tired. You're hungry. It's..... E.T. Bonus time! That's right, our last hour bonus is all about that lost and totally alone little alien.....

  1. Please name 11 items that E.T. uses in building his transmitter.
    Record player; Texas Instruments Speak 'N Spell; Fork; Rope; Umbrella; Tinfoil; Coffee can; Saw blade; Fuzz buster; Blender; Coat hanger.

  2. What does E.T. see on TV?
    Tom & Jerry; "This Island Earth" (sci-fi film); "The Quiet Man" (John Wayne movie); telephone advertisement; "Sesame Street"; a movie with horses.

  3. What song is Mike singing when he comes home from school?
    "Accidents Will Happen" by Elvis Costello.

  4. What 11 things on his desk does Elliott show E.T.?
    Lando Calrissian action figure, from "Empire Strikes Back"; Boba Fett, also from "ESB"; Snaggletooth; Hammerhead; Walrusman; toy cars; money; peanut bank; fish; shark; novelty Coke can.

  5. What does E.T. say to each of the kids at the end of the movie, and where has he learned it?
    "Thank you"-- from the Peter Pan story, "Be good"-- from "Sesame Street", "Come"-- from Elliott in the bedroom scene, "I'll be right here"-- Elliott says this before he goes downstairs to get food for E.T.