
Movie Quotes

All you have to do is tell us the source of each of the following-- just name the movie in each case.

  1. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

  2. "Guns or knives?"

  3. "I am pointing a gub at you. Apt naturally and no one will get hurt."

  4. "Mmmmmm. Juicy Fruit."

  5. "I'd rather kiss a tarantula."

  6. "So help me, Me."

  7. "Why not? They had over a billion alveoli to choose from!"

  8. "Repeat after me: 'I am not a pleasure unit.'"

  9. "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

  10. "Keep on ridin' me. They're gonna be pickin' iron outta your liver."