Note: in-person performances and those submitted via email might not appear on this page.
With Detective Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog getting gritty reboots, what old favorite would you like to see get some grit? Show us the preview!
Create a craigslist style want-ad for your team, picture and all.
Redo one of your favorite vines. (The 6-second videos, we mean, not the jungle foliage!)
You've been hired by the Alpha Centauri Board of Tourism to get people excited about visiting your system. Produce a pamphlet, sign, radio or television ad for your home system and/or planet.
What novel skills does your team have? show us your hand stands, juggling, knot tying, or whatever.
Show us your sitcom from the 1500's.
Re-create a nursery rhyme of your choice in a specific style (broadway, pop, classical, r&b, etc.)