Exeter Jung Yodelman Kant Yodelcake Oxford

Noumenal Yodelling

May 10-11, 2013

Answers to the Ultra Bonus

The clues in Ultra bonus added up to the annual Cheese Rolling Race at Cooper's Hill in Brockworth, Gloucestershire, England.

Clue Interpretation
1 Smith, Cook, and Booth are from Gloucester. According to Robert Louis Stevenson, Long John Silver was inspired by his friend William Ernest Henley, who was from Gloucester. And one of the theories of the inspiration for the character Scrooge was Jemmy Wood, known as the "Gloucester Miser".
2 This song is "Can You Give it?" by the Maccabees. One verse is:
One last pull to tight the slack of before
Slow rolling bolder, rock, stone, pebble
Grit, sand, dust, grain, speck of it all
The video for the song was filmed at the Gloucester Cheese Rolling Race.
3 Gloucester Cattle.
4 "Barrel Rolling" on Guy Fawkes Day in the East Devon town of Ottery St Mary. The tradition of running huge flaming barrels, steeped in tar through the streets of the small town dates back hundreds of years.
5 A description of Double Gloucester from cheese.com
6 The view from the top of Cooper's Hill
7 Cheese Rollers tumbling down the hill.
8 A victorious cheese-roller, displaying his prize.