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  1. Name the Gates of Jerusalem after the Exile.

  2. How many Psalms are attributed to David? Which is the shortest Psalm?

  3. What, according to Paul, are the fruits of the Spirit?

  4. How many books of Maccabees are there?

  5. To what seven churches did the seven letters dictated by the angel go?

  6. Describe the Four Living Creatures.

  7. How many Judges were there, and what are their names?

  8. What woman is mentioned most in the Bible?

  9. Name three women who prophecied in the Old Testament.

  10. Where in the Bible does the sun stand still?

  11. Who is the author of Ecclesiasticus?

  12. What's a cubit?

  13. Who are named in the Beatitudes?

  14. According to Hebrew Law, what may you not do to an ox which is treading out grain?

  15. How many verses are there in the 151st Psalm (Greek Septuagint version)? Who was this Psalm supposedly written by, and who does it describe?

  16. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? What is the second shortest?

  17. Who is the main character of the book "Bel and the Dragon"?

  18. What are the colors of the four horses of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse?

  19. Name the cities Paul passes through on his first missionary journey.

Taoism/Confucianism/Oriental Philosophy

  1. When one has reached the highest state of man, what is one unconcerned with?

  2. Where is the follower of the Tao to cultivate Virtue?

  3. What will befall a violent man?

  4. What are weapons?

  5. What prevents stealing?

  6. Why do heaven and earth last forever?

  7. How many colors blind the eye?

  8. Who convinced Lao Tzu to write down his teaching, according to legend?

  9. Who was Meng Wu Po's father?

  10. How should a people be governed, rather than by regulations?

  11. What is knowledge, according to Confucius?

  12. What is the Chi Family noted for?

  13. Who, according to Confucius, was the Greatest, as lord and ruler?


  1. Who succeeded to the throne after the death of King Pandu?

  2. What did Kunti say to the Pandavas, causing them all to marry the same woman? Who was that woman?

  3. Who was the youngest of the Pandavas?

  4. What does Govinda mean, and who does it refer to?

  5. What are the three gunas?

  6. What are the two paths to enlightenment?

  7. What is Kamadhenu?

  8. What is the City of Nine Gates?

  9. What are the members of the trinity of God?

  10. What are the four Hindu castes?

  11. What is Margashirsha?

  12. Who compiled Sankhya?

  13. Where, according to Hindu tradition, did the Bhagavad-Gita take place, and under what circumstances?


  1. What does "Qu'ran" mean?

  2. What are "the two oceans"?

  3. What are Wad, Sowa, and Nasr?

  4. What Old Testament character do Muslims know as Idris?

  5. What, according to the Qu'ran, is the Sidjeen?

  6. What saying begins every chapter of the Qu'ran, save one? Which chapter does not begin this way?

  7. Solomon asked his nobles to bring him the throne of the Queen of Sheba. Two offered to perform the deed. Who were they, and what was the name of the second?

  8. Who is Dhul-Qarnain?

  9. What will happen to the Moon as the Hour of Doom draws near?

  10. The Qu'ran refers to an Israelite who accepted and defended Islam, as an example to convert other Israelites. Who was this convert?

  11. Where is Hijr? That important character supposedly dwelt there?

  12. Who was She Who Pleaded?

  13. What prophet do Muslims know as Dhul-Nun?

  14. From what battle did the book of The Spoils come? When was that battle?

Greek Mythology:

  1. Who were the parents of the following people:
    The Fates
    The Muses
  2. Where did Cupid stand to shoot Apollo and Daphne?

  3. Who reigned in Babylonia during Pyramus' and Thisbe's time?

  4. Who loved and was scorned by Scylla, indirectly causing her transformation into a monster?

  5. From what did the Myrmidons spring?

  6. Who founded the Olympics?

  7. Who was Linus, and how did he die?

Norse Mythology:

  1. What supported the whole Universe?

  2. Who was the god of poetry?

  3. What was the home of the Elves of Light?