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Video Games

  1. What was the first coin-operated video game?

  2. What was the first coin-op to integrate laserdisk stored background images with realtime computer generated images?

  3. On the TV Program Taxi, what game did Jim once become addicted to?

  4. What coin-op game did The Who bring with them on each stop of their 1980 United States tour?

  5. What was the first videogame based on a movie?

  6. Give both names of each of the four ghosts in Pac-Man

  7. What was the first ever coin-operated game to feature the designer's autograph on the cabinet, and who was it?

  8. Who invented Pong and founded Atari, Sente and Pizza Time Theater?

  9. Two of Atari's most popular games were created by the same programmer, Dave Theurer. What two games?

  10. What are the four stages in each level of Tron?

  11. What was the second Tron video game released?

  12. What video game is based on the story of the three little pigs?

  13. What percentage of the screen must be filled in order to advance to the next level in Qix?

  14. In Pac-Man what happens when you reach the 257th key?

  15. How do you get bonus points in Frogger?

  16. What was the sequel to Defender called?

  17. What game appears on the cover of "It's Hard" by The Who?

  18. How do you get 300 points for the saucer in the coin-operated version of Space Invaders?

  19. What is the name of the indestructible smiley face in Berzerk?

  20. Name two coin-operated games which featured music written by Henri Mancini.

  21. What coin-operated game featured music by Queen?

  22. What two ZZ Top album titles have also been coin-operated games?

  23. The bass riff from what Beatles song appears in Donkey Kong?

  24. At least two coin-ops have used music by Tchaikovsky, Name one.

  25. Other than laserdisk imaging, there are two main imaging systems which operate in all video games. One creates images composed of dots, the other images composed of straight lines. What are these two systems called?

  26. Videoquotes! -- Identify the game:

    "Chicken! Fight like a robot!"
    "Total Carnage! I love it!"
    "Go for it!"
    "Great shot kid! That was one in a million!"
    "Sensors detect fuel globes."
    "Rise from your grave!"
    "Uppercut! Uppercut! Body Blow!"
    "Welcome aboard, Captain"

  27. Which games featured the following creatures?

    Killer hot dogs

  28. Describe the controls for the following games:


    Home Games

  29. When Atari first released its Sword Quest saga, it offered a $25,000 jeweled treasure for finishing each of its four levels. What were the four levels and what was the prize for each?

  30. What was the $50,000 prize awarded for the first person to complete all four levels?

  31. Going from left to right, what are the six selection levers on an Atari 2600?

  32. What cartridge for the Oddysey2 home system sparked a lawsuit from Atari, on the grounds that it infringed upon Atari's exclusive license to produce a home version of the original game?

  33. Commodore ran a parody of a particular Intellivision ad which was itself a parody of an Atari ad. What well known actor appeared in this ad for the Vic-20?

  34. What celebrity was the spokesperson for Mattel's Intellivision line?

  35. The Intellivision came with a rather unusual joystick/ controller. Describe it.

  36. What cartridge originally came with the Atari 2600 package?

  37. What was the name of the add-on computer available for the Colecovision?

  38. What is the object being searched for in the Atari cartridge Adventure? In Haunted House?

  39. What slogan did Mattel use to publicise its new home game Burger Time?

  40. The company Arcadia manufactured a game for the Vectrex Graphic Computer System with a rather odd title. What was it?

  41. In Super Mario Brothers 3, what are the names of Bowse, King of Koopa's children?
    Roy Koopa, Lemmy Koopa, Iggy Koopa, Ludwig Van Koopa

  42. What three elements combine to form the rainbow bridge in Dragon Warrior?

  43. In Dragon Warrior, what sort of creture guards a) Princess Gwaelin and b) Erdrick's armor?

    Infocom Games

  44. Infocom games thrive on both realism and packaging. Most of their games come with loads of extraneous, sometimes useless, paraphenalia. What items are included in the boxes of each of the following games? (aside from the disc and the book of instructions!)

    Witness -
    Spellbreaker -
    Sorcerer -
    Wishbringer -
    Enchanter -
    Planetfall -
    Stationfall -
    Starcross -
    Zork 0 -
    Trinity -
    A Mind Forever Voyaging -

  45. What animal is featured in Wishbringer?

  46. What are the spells "Frotz", "Gnusto" and "Resvov" used for in Enchanter?

  47. What is the name of the sidekick in Planetfall? Where does it take place?

  48. What are the three passwords used in the original adventure game Advent?

  49. Finally, we'd like you to use the back of these sheets to draw the following schematics:
    A Q-bert board, the Zaxxon robot, the first Venture level (label rooms) and the Donkey Kong pie factory.