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The Llap-Goch Man's origin begins with "The Brand New Monty Python Papperbok," a collection of mostly-new Python material published in the mid-1970s. One of the pages within was designed as an advertisement for "the secret Welsh art of self-defence" called Llap-Goch. In the ad, a weird man with a two-directional nose, Pilgrim buckle hat, either a bank-robber mask or sunken eyes (one could argue for months over the issue), and a buff, poised physique (minus one leg) stands defiantly under the heading, "FEAR NO MAN!"

For whatever reason, Giant Pygmies reproduced this page and distributed copies to each team at midnight, saying only that it "might prove useful" over the course of the contest.

Naturally, the whole thing turned out to be a total non sequitur. The only actual trivia use for the page came when subsequent editions of the Giant Pygmies crew, as well as other unrelated teams, adopted the bizarre image as a running visual symbol of trivia in future contests and advertising. By the time that Harry "Snapper" Organs handed out the same sheet at midnight, nobody was buyin' it.

But when Giant Pygmy Ted Benson '85 handed out those Xeroxed Llap-Goch ads, little could he suspect that the prank would boomerang on him within scant hours, leading to Trivia Pillar #2........