Light Bulb Wombat Tart Stamp Blue Man

Grande Belgian Wombat Tarts

January 13-14, 2017

Action Trivia Submissions

Highest-scoring submissions are shown in boldface

Note: in-person performances and those submitted via email might not appear on this page.

Action #1: Mannequin Challenge

Have your team do their best, most elaborate Mannequin Challenge!

Action #2: Whose Line?

Welcome to Williams Trivia, where everything is made up (by us) and the points...kinda do matter! Choose your favorite Whose Line Is It Anyway game and act it out! (For those unfamiliar with the show, here are some suggestions: )

Action #3: Pokemon GO!

Tell a fascinating story (or otherwise make us laugh) using a Pokemon Go screenshot taken by someone from your team. If you don't play Pokemon Go, use what you have around to make a Pokemon Go scene.

Action #4: Make-Up Tutorial!

Have the most stylish member of your team construct a makeup tutorial showing us 2017's definitive look.

Action #5: Cabinet Hearings

Show us the cabinet confirmation hearings of someone even less qualified than President-Elect Trump's nominees.

Action #6: Drunk Kitchen!

In the spirt of Drunk Kitchen, either get drunk (or pretend to be) and make/explain a topic of your choice.

Action #7: Party Trick

Show us the weird, crazy, funny, freaky or remakerably thing you, your pet, or your sleeping family members and friends can do.