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Our Old Toys Do... Stuff

Neutered Vampires wowed us with the breadth of their knowledge of board games. Using Our (Mostly) Old Toys, we have recreated famous scenes in life, art, literature, TV, movies, myth, and even music. Some are specific scenes or images; others are general references meant to evoke rather than directly represent. We promise that the subjects themselves are not obscure material; at least one can be summed up in a single word.

We have not permanently modified any of the toys shown. We have used as few props as possible, although Fun-Tak or its like was used liberally in many setups, especially for positioning assistance. Yes, exact replicas could probably be built out of Legos or modeling clay, but that's what Legoland and Disney are for. Oh, and certain hair/body color combos do not exist in these toys, so keep an open mind...

Identify what you see. The more specific the better. We encourage you to label the images, as that may help you to sort out what's going on. You don't have to ID the toys, although you can if that's fun for you.

HINT: that pink thing is not a scarf. It's plastic standing in for something else.


#31 (BONUS)
HINT: direct representation of a famous visual