[Ephlats] Rehearsal 4/7 and 4/9

Brooks, Spencer scb4 at williams.edu
Mon Apr 8 23:56:06 EDT 2019

Hi All,

Yesterday we worked on a couple of things - mostly notably bell chords.
We'll continue to work on the one in Everglow next rehearsal. If you're
still feeling shaky on bell chords in Friends in Low Places or if you
missed rehearsal yesterday, see if you can find some time to take a look at
those before tomorrow!

Can the people who printed Friends in Low Places and Everglow bring the
leftover extra copies tomorrow? So if you don't have a copy of one of
those, you can get it tomorrow.

Plan for tomorrow: work on Ty's senior solo (I'll hopefully have something
in decent shape). If that "hopefully" goes to shit, well, we'll see what
happens. We'll also work on the bell chord and other parts of Everglow, and
finish by running Everglow and YDB/Thunder.

Since we haven't had physical music for long, I just thought I would give a
onetime reminder to bring folders and pencils.

Looking forward to seeing you all for what is sure to be the best part of
my day!

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