[The Society of the Griffins] Introductions

Wilson, Nehemiah njw3 at williams.edu
Thu Oct 1 00:03:08 EDT 2020

What's Good Griffins,

As my fantasy football team gears up to take the L this week, I wanted to
give y'all a quick introduction to this year's exec board, as well as give
a quick overview of some objectives this year. I'll start with

*Co-Presidents* - *Say Say Rivers , Hamza Mankor, Sam Mecha*
*Treasurer -* *Chandler Dula*
*Secretary* - *Stephen Ankoue*
*Social* *Coordinator* - *Nehemiah Wilson (the one who will be pestering
you with emails)*
*Programming* *Coordinator* - *Abu Sangare*

I also wanted to talk about something regarding one of our objectives for
the year. We want The Society of The Griffins to, ultimately, be a space
where men of color on campus can come together, bond over differences, and
just relax and build community. Professional development is certainly still
a very important part of The Griffins, and I will be in contact with you
all regarding future opportunities. However, as men of color, it is
important that we carve out spaces for ourselves where we can come
together, chill, and just be ourselves, and not worry about putting on for
these white elites we are surrounded by.

That's all for now. Let's keep The Brotherhood strong💯

Stay Safe Y'all,
Nehemiah Wilson
Williams College '21
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