[WCFMRadio] Station Updates!

Mattana, Phoebe pdm1 at williams.edu
Thu Oct 12 11:02:38 EDT 2017

Hi Everyone,

A couple things for everyone to note:

Please remember to turn off the transmitter if no one walking into the
studio as you finish your show. We've been receiving complaints about dead
air all week, and we dont want to incur fines from the FCC. Reminder that
it will *only* turn off (with the red button) if the *reading is set to A1.*

Also, tomorrow (hopefully mountain day!) we're cohosting a show with WMA,
featuring student bands Hit Clips and Quantum Frog. It'll start at *8PM in
Spencer living room*, and if you come, you may be blessed with the best
live version of All Star you've ever seen.


~the board~

Phoebe Dale Mattana
Williams College, Class of 2018
English & Studio Art Majors
General Manager, WCFM Williamstown 91.9 FM
pdm1 at williams.edu  |  (201) 923-2856
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