[WCFMRadio] WCFM Fall Schedule

Taylor, Ryan rjt1 at williams.edu
Mon Sep 10 19:50:59 EDT 2018

Good news, everyone:

*The WCFM schedule for the semester is now up! *

Please check this page <https://sites.williams.edu/wcfm/schedule/> to see
what time your show will be. If you have any questions, concerns, or want
to change your time, let me know. If you haven't asked for a time slot yet,
please fill out the survey as soon as you can to snag one of the spots
that's still free: *https://goo.gl/forms/6eBE343RagjJcZC43
We're still working on getting everyone swipe access for the semester, so
this week can be your time to compile all of the fantastic songs you found
this summer into one magnificent playlist for your *first show next week*.
Last, as a heads up, I haven't updated the pages for all of your shows yet,
so please don't be alarmed if your show name on the schedule page either
isn't a hyperlink or is linked to your old show's page.
Thanks for your responses, and have fun being DJs!

When I hear you on the car radio you're gonna be a sensation,
Ryan Taylor

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 2:08 PM Taylor, Ryan <rjt1 at williams.edu> wrote:

> Hello again DJs!
> Just a reminder to fill out the scheduling survey as soon as possible if
> you haven't yet. We would love to have the semester schedule up as soon as
> possible, and the Berkshire area is yearning to hear all of your wonderful
> voices and music tastes on their radios. Fill out the form, and make both
> of these things happen.
> Looking forward to seeing all of your responses!
> *https://goo.gl/forms/6eBE343RagjJcZC43
> <https://goo.gl/forms/6eBE343RagjJcZC43>*
> Thanks!
> Ryan Taylor
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 4:03 PM Taylor, Ryan <rjt1 at williams.edu> wrote:
>> Hello WCFM DJs!!
>> I hope your summer has been stellar, and that you've enjoyed some of the
>> great new music that's been floating around. As an exciting twist to the
>> end of summer, it is now time for the new WCFM programming schedule to take
>> shape! Therefore, without further ado:
>> *https://goo.gl/forms/6eBE343RagjJcZC43
>> <https://goo.gl/forms/6eBE343RagjJcZC43>*
>> Please fill out the form above *by* *September 6 *(when classes
>> start) so we can get the schedule for the fall semester posted as soon as
>> possible. If you want to keep your time slot from the spring, just put that
>> in the form and you'll have it. After that, priority will be given based on
>> how long you've been with WCFM and how soon you fill out the survey. Even
>> if you don't want a show this semester, please fill out the form (it'll be
>> a shortened version) so we have a list of all active DJs.
>> Thank you! I look forward to seeing the creative shows, show names, DJ
>> names, and posters you come up with.
>> *tl;dr:* fill out *https://goo.gl/forms/6eBE343RagjJcZC43
>> <https://goo.gl/forms/6eBE343RagjJcZC43> *by Sept. 6.
>> Much love,
>> Ryan Taylor
>> *WCFM Programming Director*
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