[Williams Ballroom] Welcome to Ballroom

Gordon, Lilian lag4 at williams.edu
Sat Sep 14 15:56:04 EDT 2019

Dear Friends, New and Old,

Emma Levy and I, Lily Gordon, are so excited to kick off the fall semester
with our first Ballroom this coming week! We've decided to have ballroom
meetings starting* this Wednesday* at *7:00pm in Currier Ballroom*, hoping
the majority of you can make it. This will be our regular meeting time each
week. We usually dance for an hour, but you're welcome to stick around and
goof off with us afterwards for a bit! Each meeting is part lesson, part
dancing practice, and all fun. ;)

We'll introduce ourselves more in person, but I'd like to do a quick intro
right now on what Williams Ballroom Dancing is about. David Vascones '18
and Erica Chang '18 started this club a few years ago, and Emma and I both
started dancing as freshman. Neither of us had really done partner dances
before, so we started as complete beginners, as many of you might be.
Dancing is incredibly important to both of us and we love the way social
dancing connects people and inspires joy and lightness.

Our vision for Ballroom is to create a fun, safe, experimental social
dancing space for *all* skill levels. We're not a performance group, and we
offer a low-pressure, low-commitment, and non-competitive environment for
learning many styles of social dancing. Dances we've taught in the past
include Swing (Lindy Hop), Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango,
Hustle and Chachacha. This semester we're considering narrowing it down to
just a few of these in order to focus more on each and learn more
intermediate moves. We welcome your input, and would love to know which
dances you want to learn! Also, although Emma and I technically lead the
club, we're by no means experts, and we always welcome any dancing
knowledge you may have to share (YouTube has a ton of instructional videos
you can check out on your own time!). We also think it's important to honor
the history and origins of each of these dances, and want to dedicate some
time to learning more about them.

We're very pumped to meet/see all of you. See you Wednesday, and please
bring your friends!

Lily and Emma

P.S. We left emails on the listserv from past semesters. Some of you might
be graduated by now or not want to keep getting these emails. If you would
like to unsubscribe from the listserv, look out for an email that instructs
you on how to unsubscribe from listserv lists in general.
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