[Williams Ballroom] Ballroom this upcoming week

Gordon, Lilian lag4 at williams.edu
Sun Jan 26 12:43:58 EST 2020

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know in advance about this upcoming week of ballroom
because it's a little different. First, we'll be having our *last lesson of
Winter Study on Tuesday, 7-8pm in Currier Ballroom*. We'll be teaching

Next, please join us *Wednesday night *in *Goodrich *from *9-11pm* for
our *end-of-winter-study
dance party*! We'll be putting on all the music styles we danced to this
past month and social dancing! Don't worry if you don't remember
some dances, or didn't make it to all the lessons. You can dance as much or
as little as you want, and make it up as you go! Emma and I will also be
able to give you tips if you want. Dress up if you feel like it!

Thursday we won't have a lesson, because we're heading out a little early
for dead week. But ballroom isn't going away! Tune back in this spring for
more :)

Lily and Emma
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