[WSO] WSO Winter Study Course

Megalaa, Andrew anm4 at williams.edu
Fri Oct 27 13:42:34 EDT 2023

Hi everyone!

WSO will be hosting an official winter study course for CS students to
learn practical software engineering skills and to improve the WSO platform
for the whole student body. Students will choose or get assigned a project
to be completed by the end of winter study and they will present their
projects during a colloquium before winter study ends. We will be meeting
twice a week for three hours each time. Time and location is TBD.

Professor Jeannie Albrecht will supervise the course, and Andrew Megalaa
and Ye Shu will manage the projects as well as provide code reviews and
mentorship to all registered students. Since we really want to focus on
student’s growth and development, we will only be able to support a limited
number of students.

Please fill out the following form if you are interested in signing up and
let us know what your interests are. This form is NOT binding. We are
currently gathering interest and will reach out to those who filled the
form out later with more information.

Form link: https://forms.gle/1x41hZFwdaTPwgzc8

You will find out about whether you will be joining this winter study
before actual registration begins.


WSO Board
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