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Grab 'n' Go is a wonderful thing for the time-stressed student at lunchtime. The main station is located in the basement of Paresky. A dining hall worker swipes your card and you get to choose a bag of chips/pretzels, a drink, a piece of fruit, a sandwich/salad, and a cookie. There are various sandwich options and versions ranging from meat-free to tomato-free to vegan. Sometimes there is delectable soy pudding. There is always PB&J.

At the satellite GnG station in Eco-Cafe, you can get a lunch that has already been bagged and labeled with the sandwich type.

In early fall 2010, you also got a reusable bag that you were supposed to bring back to use every time you hit up GnG. Most people managed to lose theirs before the end of the year and had to pile all of their food in their arms. Others thought the bags were the greatest thing since sliced bread and started using them for laundry, groceries, and ABC party outfits.

Grab 'n' Go is also great for picnics.