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Stuff the CUL should do

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This is what the CUL is doing.

Stuff it should do. This will all be taken into consideration. Right now the most valuable things are ideas. please edit....

  • Delay implementing anchor housing for a year so that all the crucial details can be thought through very carefully. Use this extra time to renovate East, Fayerweather, all of Lehman, etc., so that the sophmore housing choices aren't so grim.
  • Not be so fixated on Anchor housing that it can't consider other, for example, that the majority of students on campus don't like the idea of anchors.
  • Realize that they are the committee on UNDERGRADUATE life and take the opinions, needs, and desires of that constituancy as their guiding light, rather than appeasement of the administration and perpetuation of their own position
  • So the transition is going to be accomplished by a coupled room draw / cluster draw, where assigned room pick numbers are inversely related to cluster pick numbers. This should be how rising sophomores are assigned to clusters every year from now on. That would temper a lot of the awfulness of anchor housing, while still preventing "theme housing" from developing.
  • Be open to the possibility of reverting to a system based on free agency if the evaluation committee determines that anchor housing has failed in the future.
  • Implement the cluster over three years. For the purposes of transition, assign sophomores to clusters in 06-07, but maintain the roomdraw for rising juniors and seniors to fill in the housing spaces that are left after the cluster roomdraw. This will prevent seniors and to a lesser degree, juniors, from being thrown into a bath of ice water with respect to clusterization. Then in 07-08, assign new rising sophomores into clusters, keep the rising juniors in their clusters, and allow the seniors to be last (class) pick free agents. Then, in 08-09, your masterpiece will be complete and you'll be glad you didn't rush things.
  • Get statisticians and social psychologists on the CUL.
  • Fire the CLCs and hire Drew Newman in their place. This will instantly solve any and all problems related to residential life, entertainment, social life, parties, events, etc.
  • Stop reclassifying the best senior housing as doubles (See Parsons, Goodrich, Sewell... yeah, they thought they could slip that by us)