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Talk:Campus controversies

2,018 bytes added, 16:44, June 7, 2006
Impact of athletics
== Impact of athletics ==
Can anyone give information on where the debate took place, especially about locations other than the [ WSO blog]? It would be good practice, I think, to always note ''where, when, and how'' a controversy on this page was debated, to keep what is listed her grounded in the events of the past, and not the judgments of authors of what is and isn't controversial. I am ''not'' suggesting inappropriate bias on the part of the listing author here, or that thier choice was wrong, but the listing as it is currently reminds me of this problem. Can we improve it? I wasn't on campus for this semester, and don't know what the debate looked like.
If the only substantial debate turns out to have been on [[WSO blogs]], can we debate whether controversies in that forum alone should be considered "campus controversies"? I feel the blogs have been a tinderbox in the past, host to the great debates of the campus but to some very parochial ones as well.--[[User:05jl|Jonathan]] 16:44, 7 June 2006 (EDT)
== Initial Debate Over Page ==
# I'll refrain from adding more material to the article until the board decides.
--[[User:Dkane|Dkane]] 23:54, 14 March 2006 (EST)
== Mad Cow Controversy ==
I don't have any of the details or responses (including my intentionally inflammatory all-campus email!), but this should be on here. -- [[User:Ljacobso|Ljacobso]] 14:04, 23 April 2006 (EDT)
== Edits by Willipedia Board ==
I removed a phrase stating that Laleian made the comment "to studio art professor Laylah Ali '90", since according to my understanding (from the Record articles etc.) Laleian did not necessarily make the comment ''to'' Ali in particular. Now the summary does not mention Ali at all, but I'm not convinced that's necessary. I will also add something to the ADRSI page explaining Ali's role, since right now it only makes a passing reference to her which doesn't make sense without a bit of context. --[[User:04bay|Brent]] 09:05, 16 March 2006 (EST)
== Removal of large quote, from ''Record'' ==
I have removed the following for now. I am not wedded to this decision, but am placing it here for the time being, while any wiser than I seek a way to place it appropriately in the (revised) article.
<blockquote>Present at the meeting was Assistant Professor of Art [[Laylah Ali]] '90. Ali is African-American. Professor of Art Ed Epping [ claimed that]
“All of the faculty who witnessed what happened at the meeting were stunned,” said Ed Epping, professor of art. “The force of the statement directed at Professor Ali was such that there was no way for Professor Ali to remain in the room.” Epping is on sabbatical in New York this semester, but was in attendance at the department meeting last spring.
When asked if he had been troubled by any public misconceptions of the incident, Epping said, “What I believe is not being discussed as fully as is the vehemence with which this phrase was spoken and the directness of its intent.” It may read otherwise on paper, he said, but “the word ‘nigger’ was not used in that situation as a metaphor.”
</blockquote>--[[User:05jl|05jl]] 19:11, 14 March 2006 (EST)
==I moved "Nigaleian" to Campus controversies==
OK, so it looks like we'll have separate articles for this stuff. For future "controversy" articles, try to use a title that is immediately recognizable, and not an acronym/neologism that recently emerged from someone's posterior. Also, the content of the articles should include the stuff that's actually INTERESTING. Why was there a controversy? What was the extent of the controversy? What was the response of the administration? The exact contents of emails, for example, are relatively unimportant. So are the identities of the involved parties, unless they are "famous" for some other reason, and it is enlightening to connect the dots. --[[User:06emm|Evan]] 01:52, 16 March 2006 (EST)
It's pretty ironic that the content of this page includes the debate over the content of this page. Makes the whole thing seem kind of silly. --[[User:06mea|06mea]] 18:11, 16 March 2006 (EST)
===Questions/Observations for the Wiki Board===
# It would be helpful if you could reach some conclusions on the topic of what is and is appropriate for Willipedia in the near future. I am getting ''very'' different signals from different board members.
# Do you want to have controversial history here at all? I think you do, but you need to decide. I certainly don't want to spend more time on entries that will eventually be deleted.
# Perhaps you only want history on controversial topics which do not involve students. In that case, my recent entry on the KKK cookout would be fine, but QBE would not.
# Perhaps you only want student entries about students that have already graduated. In that case, we would need to wait another year before writing about QBE.
# Perhaps the policy should be to write about these incidents but not use actual names, just student X. That would be problematic for linking to things like Record articles which used the name or quoting people.
# I would suggest that Willipedia use the same standards as Wikipedia and the Record. If something is newsworthy, then the history is reported and names are used.
# We are all in favor of having these entries (if they are to be in Willipedia) being as complete and accurate and fair and well-written as possible. Some (fair) criticism has come my way on this account. Fine. Perhaps the board wants to vet these articles before they appear. Perhaps they should be handled differently than other articles. I do not think that this is helpful. I think that the same bottom up, start with whatever you have, everybody is free to add process that works for normal pages will also work fine for controversial topics. But, if the board feels different, some a different process could be used.
--[[User:Dkane|Dkane]] 09:32, 17 March 2006 (EST)
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